Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mr. Goody is actually quite a psycho, won't face it, can't handle reality, as we note over and over and over....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...l#comment-form

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Mr. Goody: All Caught-Up In His Own Psycho-Babble
(Apollonian, 10 Jan 17)

Mr. Goody: u're not all there, buddy (see below-copied note by Mr. Goody). I don't know exactly what the problem for u may be, though I've made some notations about ur mysticism, subjectivism, self-righteousness, moralism, Pharisaism, and anti-Christianity, lying, pretending u're "American," etc., but u make no sense. I guess soon enough u'll just start babbling purest gibberish, eh? Goo goo, gaa gaa, ho ho ho ho

Presently, we see u indulging in these moronic, artsy-craftsy -type asides, larding-up the text of ur blog-articles, for which there's no good reason, adding nothing for the sense of ur articles.

"Psychobabble," u say?--well, wouldn't that depend on the definition of the terms in question, regarding the symptoms I cite for "passive-aggressive"? U can ck ur Jewwy Wikipedia and other sources for what the term means--tell us what u think.

U're just simply, basically irrational, buddy--get it?--and u rather seem to mask this irrationality for urself by means of passive-aggressive syndrome, in manner of coy-type evasions.

For example, what do u mean by "I think you are dating yourself," fm above, Jan 9, 2017, 7:06:00 PM. How does one "date" oneself, buddy?--can u give us an explanation?

And here's the funny part, Mr. Goody: don't u realize u CONTINUE to evade the issue I brought up about the central-bank? U're just not all there, Mr. Goody--that's my contention, and these dialectics rather demonstrate, wouldn't u say?

Whose fault is it when u refuse to dialogue, buddy?--as by means of ur moronic passive-aggressive evasions?--do u think u're just being coy (look it up if u don't know the definition), like a girl? U don't really seem CAPABLE of rational dialogue.

It now seems u just write-up all ur crap for ur own entertainment, eh? And u like to think u're soooooo clever for ur evasions in all ur passive-aggressive styling.

And so what are u all about, Mr. Goody?--moralism and Pharisaist self-righteousness (a), (b) especially directed at Christians whom u hate, condemn, and for whom u have contempt, u knowing nothing about Christianity, (c) as u pretend u're "American."

(d) And when u're taken-up for ur lies, mysticism (subjectivism), and Pharisaism, u evade the issues in passive-aggressive style, u perhaps imagining u're just being clever and coy, in ur moronic girl-like manner.

There's something about u, Mr. Goody--u're not all there, buddy, and u have a screw loose, not making any sense--is that "psycho-babble"?--I don't think so. U're the one who babbles, after all, as anyone can see.

----------------above by ap in response to below by Mr. Goody------------------

Anonymous Jan 10, 2017, 7:41:00 PM


What's wrong with someone being "passive aggressive" ? You seem to put a lot of faith in psychobabble.

Also how the heck do you know what that means? Did you make that definition up or are you parroting what you heard someone else meant the author meant?

Also the Santa Claus **** is getting old - time to move on with that

ho ho ho ho ho oho

1 comment:

  1. Below-copied by ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...51731760069904

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    Mr. Goody: Raging Pharisaic, Psycho
    (Apollonian, 11 Jan 17)

    Mr. Goody, what happened to our dialectic fm last blog of urs, buddy?--ho ho ho ho--it just slipped ur not-all-there mentality, eh? Ho ho ho oh ho

    For actually, this is just a prank blog-site where u play Mr. Normal, eh?--ho hoh o hoho. It's just a little surprise u have for people when they suddenly find u're anti-Christ, pretending to moralism, talking-down to Christians, eh Mr. Goody? Ho ho ho ho

    Then we find u know nothing about Christianity to which u'd own-up to, and further, u know nothing about any "good-evil" which u insist exists, but can't define for any criterion which u can defend.

    Yes, we noted a few blogs ago when u invoked the "golden-rule," but remember--u couldn't and wouldn't say why suddenly now "golden-rule" is criterion. Like the passive-aggressive girl u always act like, u just ignored the question--so typical of u

    U're not all there, Mr. Goody--get it? Ho ho ho hooho--it's why u leave urself open to speculation as to what ur problems are. U're passive-aggressive, as u demonstrate the symptoms. U're also rather schizoid (look it up, Mr. Goody--try ur Jew-friendly Wikipedia). But at bottom u seem to have distinct inferiority-complex, pretending u're "American," at same time as rabidly anti-Christ, as we've noted.
