Monday, February 20, 2017

Central bank?--SATANISM established suckers--hence whole economy/society will be evermore consolidated/monopolized, absolute, genocidal state--get a clue, morons....

Don't Forget The Simple, Horrific, Grim, And Overwhelming Logic Of satanic Central Bank
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 17)

Above all, Don't forget the horrific, grim LOGIC (hence strategy) of satanic enemy: a satanic monopoly at top, ruling all, the central bank (see for expo on central-bank), legalized counterfeiting. So necessarily and logically, everything else of economy and society must reflect and follow for this general monopolization--look at the mass corp. Jews-media controlled now by mere 5 or 6 large corp.s. Look at Big Pharma, so powerful they can't be sued in court when their poison vaccines kill people (which they're designed to do, even if by slow, gradualist method).

And as long as people continue to accept the currency (not real "money"), the central-bank will continue to dominate, owning practically all the politicians and judges. Un-fortunately people can't figure-out money must be commodity-based, hence gold/silver--really so simple precepts, yet which people cannot, will not grasp, poor fools.

And of course, this grim logic follows the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the formerly "successful," victorious, and "prosperous" society, now in decline, thoroughly corrupt, w. too many stupid scum, over-populated, simply needs something in way of treatment or reduction of this over-population--unless there's some kind of religious-type renewal or "renaissance." That "renewal" or "awakening" should and could be Christian, if we're lucky.

This necessary renewal or renaissance can happen, but it will require the REAL Christianity which is absolutely anti-Semitic, anti-satanic, Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), founded upon the objective reality, opposed to the satanic/subjectivist (JOHN 8:44). Additional, complementary measures would be nullification, secession--states rights--de-activation of the consolidated federal monstrosity, removal of income-tax and IRS, removal of progressive taxation and minimum wage laws, etc.

And at bottom note how subjectivism/satanism takes hold upon the mind: that fallacious, delusionary "good-evil" based on non-existent perfectly "free" human will. That's why REAL Christianity notes we're all sinners, etc.

Surely most of all, most immediately, we should remember how useful has been the I-net for us, and that ZOG's next false-flags will surely be directly designed to remove this I-net freedom which has so failed ruling satanists.

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