Saturday, March 10, 2018

History is predictable, capable of being plotted, analyzed--because it's CYCLIC, as reality is objective, hence determined--get a clue

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...neo-nazis.html

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Reality Is Objective, Determined, And CYCLIC--What Did U Think?
(Apollonian, 10 Mar 17)

What?--"Hank," above (see below-copied), says he's "astounded" at "parallels" btwn eras and times? But hasn't "Hank" ever hrd of CYCLIC history?

Thus a civilization/culture rises, as in case of Romans and Americans, the people at first HONEST (unlike Mike Hoffman, ho ho ho ho, who pretends to "good," ho ho ho ho) and genuinely productive, but then, w. success, "prosperity," and "victory," the culture inevitably corrupts, as humans are basically sinners, creatures of will, though not a perfectly "free" God-like will, as Hoffman pretends.

What happens?--well, the evermore corrupt people of an evermore corrupt society, now filled to over-flowing w. over-populated scum and corrupted offspring of the original, founder generation(s), imagine they have a perfectly "free" God-like will--that they've become "good"--like Hoffman. And the originally HONEST people thus become corrupt and HUBRISTIC--just like Mike Hoffman who's always soooooo desperate to pretending to "good," Hoffman w. the typical inferiority-complex which doesn't quit.

And that's where we are now, today, in Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," the over-populated, corrupt people of USA, now the Jew S A, fatally stricken, like Hoffman, in this HUBRIS, heresy (Pelagianism), and madness, pretending they're "good."

Thus USA was originally founded at near the peak of its ideologic greatness, upon principle of freedom and reason, but which is now fascist dictatorship working for population-reduction (genocide) of Agenda-21, for the "good" of the earth, etc., Jew S A now consumed in anti-Christ satanism, this satanism founded upon subjectivist premise of "good"--which doesn't exist in an objective, hence determinist reality, people being fundamentally SINNERS, not capable of "good," which "good" doesn't and can't exist.

Thus Pres. Andrew Jackson threatened war against heroic state of S. Carolina in 1832 for it's upholding state sovereignty and right to secede and nullify anti-Constitutional laws, and then there was the historic, horrific 1860s war which definitively destroyed USA and led to rise of Jew-oriented and -serving imperialism, US war against Spain in 1898 for their colonies, WWI and II for world empire and dictatorship as we have today w. communist United Nations (UN).

So get a clue, "Hank": there's no perfectly "free" human will; reality is OBJECTIVE, basis of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), humans being sinners, always working to serve self-interest, and hist. is CYCLIC, never doubt. Of course there will always be parallels in history for eras and times, and the reasons and circumstances thereto are always similar if not identical.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Hank"--------------------------

Hank said...

I am astounded by the increasing parallels between the pre-WWII era and our times. With the rise of social trends that indicate national decline in the West, including joblessness, divorce and remarriage, homosexuality, mass immigration, low birth rates, increased abortion rates, gun control, mass shootings, secular education, rise of fascism, low church attendance records, euthanasia, etc. I'm sure as Mark Twain noted, "History doesn't repeat, but it sure rhymes" and so we'll be seeing a new European beast power arise on the scene soon to take the charge and as God's Word prophesies chasten the Anglo-American nations that are failing dismally in their divine commission to be as John Winthrop put it: "A city upon a hill," to which other nations could look to for guidance, leadership and a model to follow. However, leading the world in so much lawlessness and immorality today foreign nations are no longer looking at the US or UK except by way of a bad example to avoid and inevitably as a horrible warning.
7:31 PM

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