Thursday, March 15, 2018

satanic (Jew) establishment wants to mis-characterize and prejudice virtue of hatred, as if it's always something "bad," ho ho ho ho....

"Hatred" Is Just As Constructive As Love, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 18)

Note hatred can be just as great inspiration as "love" as one wonders about one's hatred and aversion--why and how? For instance, take hatred of Jews--one asks how and why. Is one jealous of Jews?--as Jews love to think. But so what?--so what if we're "jealous" of those dear little kikes? And it all just causes one to think, wonder, and analyze, no less than if one "loved" the little monsters, murderers, and psychopaths.

For after all, Jews--they're just most tight-knit criminals, after all, running the central-banking--and then everything else criminal, Jews the absolute masters of organized crime--no one else comes close, and everyone else merely serves the Jew masterminds--like the masons, homosexuals, and all and any other "connected" criminals, including esp. the monopolists, like "big Pharma" who kill so many people, all perfectly legally.

But eventually, all one's analysis and serious thinking leads to the anti-dote to Jews--for who and what are Jews?--they're simply foremost satanists, specifically, practicing extreme subjectivism, the idea that reality is mere "construct" or creation of consciousness/mentality--Jews take this subjectivism most seriously.

Thus Jews practice a collectivistic subjectivism, in which they share the same "constructivist" ideas founded in subjectivism, and Jews do this collectivistic subjectivism most effectively, which explains why/how they run the central-banking (see for expo on central-banking; use their search engine) which is literally just legalized counterfeiting, which controls the criminal monopoly that dominates the corrupt society in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Thus hatred of Jews, knowledge of this hatred, hence love of our hatred for Jews--called "anti-Semitism" (by Jews)--leads then to love for the anti-thesis to Jews and satanism, satanism merely the most general classification, Jews mere particulars therein.

Thus one learns to love Christianity, worship of truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the objective (Aristotelian) reality. And most and best of all, one learns to know why and how one so loves and appreciates dear Christianity--and why Jews sooooo hate Christianity (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44)--it all makes most sublime sense.

Such then is the great virtue of hatred, rationally understood--one learns as much by one's aversion (hatred) as one does by attraction/love. And one learns to love and respect hatred, something that establishment Jews don't want the people to think about. For Jews are against rational thought--esp. if and when done by the goyim.

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