Monday, November 12, 2018

"Globalists" take-up the Trump "nationalist" challenge, Macron (France) stepping-up, claiming typical moralism against "selfishness," as usual....

Honest Nationalism Vs. Genocide And Lies Masked in Idealism, Moralism
(Apollonian, 13 Nov 18)

Well, Trump's "nationalism" ideal challenge has been taken-up by the Frenchie, Macron, who says it's "opposite" of patriotism and is immoral. See . And I think this is magnificent opening to the great clash of cultural ideals serving for the people's consideration.

But what then is "patriotism"?--simply ck dictionary; it's obviously loyalty to the patron ideal--the father and parents--loyalty to race, people, and the culture thereof. But Macron wants to re-define such patron as something properly referring to the ideal of altruist morality and collectivism--something more than mere loyalty to parents, people, race, etc. For really, non-nationalism would merely refer to empire. In American history, proper patriotism is to one's "state"--NOT the federal dictatorship we have now, which emerged fm 1860s.

So actually, Macron's supposed "ideal," non-nationalism simply refers to same old cheap moralism--anti-selfishness, etc., which is impossible. And Macron has some obvious difficulty for a clear and coherent ideal--if not nationalism, then what?--imperialism?--something else?--and that's his problem--what something else--what exactly is it, would it be?--see . Selfishness must simply be moderated by means of reason, that's all, the ONLY thing that can be done, and that's part of rational nationalist ideal, as for example, the US Constitution.

The great thing though is that people now have a clear CONTRAST in opposing principles. Ultimately, the great opposition will be down to Christian truth vs. satanic lies. Thus, at this pt., we have Trump's honesty, shared by most people, vs. the moralistic lies shared by Jews, satanists, and communists, pretending to non-existent "good" and stupid platitudes like "inclusiveness," "tolerance," "diversity," etc.

Thus the "multi-nationalist" ideal of one-world gov., United Nations, New World Order, etc., can be reduced to GENOCIDE of their admitted purpose of Agenda-21 and -2030 population-reduction, all this in accord w. their socialist dictatorship. For socialist dictatorship is what UN one-world gov. actually is in all truth and reality which can't be denied.

In practice, what is socialist dictatorship?--rule of monopolists and oligarchs at the top enforcing the criminal enterprise of central-banking, legalized counterfeiting wherein the top oligarchal "1%" own everything, these ruling over 99%, but the 1% making use of flunkies and traitors serving as enforcers. Thus socialism is shown-up once again as GENOCIDE, worship of DEATH, just as Ayn Rand noted and described.

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