Thursday, November 1, 2018

Jews-media pushing same old cognitive dissonance, confusion, as always--even after Trump has done so well to clarify for basic principle of "nationalism"....

Deliberate Cognitive Dissonance (Same Old Confusion And Dis-Info) Pushed By Jews-Media
(Apollonian, 1 Nov 18)

Here's most perfect example of the deliberate garbling and confusion done by Jews-media, this done by FOX News and Tucker Carlson, Carlson so often extolled as one of the more astute commentators of the establishment "right"--which means Israel and "neo-cons." See .

The title of this vid presentation is Carlson's query, "what are Democrats running on"? in terms of ideals or principles for this mid-term election campaign. And note we've previously observed Trump has matter-of-factly identified as "NATIONALIST"--this is truly excellent and most useful and informative characterization which well opposes the adverse ideology of the Democrats. And hence Democrats are obviously the front for the "globalists" of world gov.

But the purpose of Jews-media, of course, and as always, is to confuse and obfuscate, sowing cognitive dissonance, and this globalism is not mentioned by Carlson in the vid; rather he just babbles about details and shows the brainless queer nigger, Don Lemon, complaining, as always, about racism and saying whites are the terrorist threat, etc.

And pt-ing out this amazing, disgusting queer nigger, Lemon, is ANOTHER stroke for nationalist opposition, such stupid, smug, moronic queer nigger so disgusting and off-putting--even for the blacks themselves.

And note then this garbling and confusion sown by Jews-media, including Carlson, is NECESSARY--why?--because they have to obfuscate the original conflict of the 1860s regarding states-rights vs. the national, centralized, federal dictatorship--it's the very same basic issue which Jews and satanists cannot allow to be clarified and understood in this day.

Yet another, more crucial decentralization issue is looming in faces of Americans and that's the economic and currency collapse that's happening as we all speak, the monopolist central-bank of issue being the problem and culprit--it's why the "tech" giants, Jewgle (google), Jew-tube, and Twitter have to exert their monopolist suppression of speech and expression in favor of "globalists," and against the "nationalists" and Christians. And don't doubt Israel, whom Trump primarily works for, desperately wants censorship no less than the "globalists," for obvious reasons.

And of course at bottom of it all is the basic conflict of Christian truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew/satanic lies and lying (JOHN 8:44)--the objective reality vs. subjectivism, hence satanism--just another thing which Jews must obfuscate and cover-up.

And that supremely satanic power behind all this dictatorship, lying, and propaganda is evermore obviously Israel and Jews--it's just amazing so many people continue to refuse to opening their idiot eyes. But as things economic continue to deteriorate, evermore people suffering, we hope more of the morons might begin to waking-up and getting a brain cell to functioning and grasping the obvious facts in their stupid faces.

Seeing and noting these basic anti-theses (nationalism vs. globalism; Christian truth vs. Jew/satanic lies) is essential for proper, necessary military grasp which makes the picture clear, easy to understand, beyond any deniability, regardless idiot hill-billies, flacks, and shills like Ajax Jewns ( who said Christianity comes fm Judaism (see previous blog-essay, for Oct 31 at http://defenderofprecioustruth.blogs...jax-jewns.html ).

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