Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Cowardly little kike, Unz, desperately continues to censor the real nature of the Jew-problem, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted but CENSORED ONCE AGAIN by the cowardly, little kike, Unz, ho ho ho ho, at comments,

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Alternative Cultural Analysis Far More Realistic, Verifiable By Facts, Observation, History
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 19)

Buddy: "counter-insurgency" (see below-copied) deserves award for best B.S. pulled fm behind area--good gravy. But at least it's useful to contrast his utterly made-up B.S. to demonstrable reality and facts.

Thus "Israelite religion"--the vehicle for the core PHILOSOPHY--comes fm Moses and Torah (first five books), by definition, but also other books too, "Psalms" and "Prophets," etc. Christ preached he was defending Torah and Moses, esp. fm those arch-heretics, the Pharisees, who "made the law of God to be of none effect" (Gosp. MARK 7:1-13). So Christ generally defended Torah, simply re-stating things for better understanding of poor and simple folk of Judea.

Later, St. Paul brought this philosophy to gentiles, esp. Greeks, and note the general Greek/rationalist orientation of Christianity, the first "scriptures" of it written in Greek.

Pharisees, originated 3rd-2nd cent. BC, preached the "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah to meaning whatever they wanted it to mean, for benefit of themselves, Jews/Pharisees--later most fully written-out and -down, definitively, in Babylonian Talmud of about 500 AD. See,, and for best expo on Talmud.

Thus Christ character in New Test. LITERATURE is "truth" (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which can't exist without the OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle) as base/premise/criterion for such TRUTH. Jews are SUBJECTIVISTS ("midrash"), most extreme subjectivists. Thus one sees the Hegelian anti-thetic nature of Christian vs. Jew, Truth vs. lies--note these are absolute, necessary OPPOSITES, anti-theses.

Don't forget Christ held Pharisees diverged as "heretics" fm original Torah and Moses. Christians DO NOT come fm or descend fm Jews, not in slightest, but always absolutely opposed thereto.

Of course, Jews hold opposite of Christian, preaching obligatory extreme hatred of Christ and Christian, but problem for Jews is to convincing gentiles they should go along w. subjectivism as general philosophy. Thus Jews rather keep things secret, concealed, and non-public, not wanting Talmud subjectivism/irrationalism to be understood as such by gentiles.

Thus Jews/Pharisees hold reality is subjective, the creation of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--satanism. Jews are most extreme subjectivists, conducting a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, cohesive--this then is why/how Jews, though vastly out-numbered by all the gentile subjectivist/satanists, yet rule, dominate, and lead these gentile subjectivists/satanists, the gentiles not nearly as well organized, few as dedicated/committed--for it rubs against fellow gentiles who are naturally repelled, especially by the satanist element.

Note satanism/subjectivism is extremely effective in a corrupt, mature civilization, in most accord w. CYCLIC theory of history, as Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," which civilization is well along in age and time-distance fm origins and original founders, who were far more OBJECTIVE for their philosophy, the now aging civilization having long past arisen and been successful for conquest and prosperity, but the following generations now quite corrupt, mystic, and subjectivist, sitting on top of a now heavily MONOPOLISTIC-type economic society which favors and benefits them most, being the inheritors of original founders and conquerors--like in Roman example, or as presently, the American.

Thus the general satanist/subjectivist comes to simply intimidating, even terrorizing the rest of the population, Jews dominating these satanists, thus dominating the entire culture. Thus one sees the Judaic "religion" is literally a criminal cult of lies, lying, and liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) oriented for rulership of a criminal elite, against a cowardly, terrorized, excess population of weaklings and inferiors, suckers, fools, goons, and gross drug and TV -addicts, as we see presently in USA, now the Jew S A, "dog" wagged by "tail" Israeli terror-state.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 54, Counterinsurgency says:
January 3, 2019 at 1:26 am GMT • 500 Words
@jilles dykstra

This is a rough and ready field guide only. Use it for issues that are not subtle if you use it at all.

I read an anthropoligical analysis of Judaism decades ago, 1980s. It pointed out that Judaism changed drastically during the Babylonian captivity. Most groups back then would disintegrate once they couldn’t conduct their holy rites, and Judaism, pre-Captivity, conducted its holy rites in one Temple, an that was at Jerusalem. But the Israelites did not disintegrate. They turned inward and survived. The returning Israelites actually became stronger than the Samaritan, the Israelites who had stayed in Judea, and displaced the Samaratins.

The anthropologist hypothesized that Judaism had changed _so as to protect the Babylonian Israelites from assimilation by militarily stronger groups_. This would have been strengthened by the various Judean wars with the Roman Empire. In any case, by the end of the ancient world, the Jewish Diaspora could survive anywhere in the West. Not the East, however. Unlike Islam, Judaism never spread and persisted from the border of India eastward.

I’ve been told two roughly similar stories about Christianity. Once (Reformed Jewish origin) is that Christianity is Judaism lite, Judaism for people without time to study, but with a need to avoid assimilation and cohere in a dangerous world. The other, origin medieval studies, is that Christianity was, at base, a protection from Judaism. I must say that the “lite” description fits contemporary Christianity fairly well. As for protection, the contemporary dominant Christian doctrine of “shut up and sit down” doesn’t give much of that.

The expulsion of Jews from Spain might be considered an attempt to exterminate. However, it was said to be a last ditch effort to prevent Islamic slaving, which reportedly relied on intelligence from Jews residing in Spain. The problem was serious (, and presumably the policy worked. As usual for a contentious area of history, opinions vary and facts are difficult to find.

As to what this means to the Jews, well, the anthropological view says that Judaism should have enhanced Jewish survival. Since the Jews are here and no other Classical / pre-classical society is here, I’d say that Judaism _did_ enhance Jewish survival. I’d also say that such enhancement is the meaning of Judaism today. Funny thing, though: Judaism is apparently defined (in Reform Judaism) more by belief in the Holocaust than be belief in God. That might break the protective effect of Judaism just as much as the “shut up and sit down” doctrine has for Christianity. That would leave the Israelis and the Orthodox Jewish. Still, compared to what happened during end of Classical civilization, two out of three ain’t bad.

Islam is, very simply, the multi-level raiding game that took over the world. It destroyed all its competitors until the Christians found that a mystic belief in the constancy of God gave them science, engineering, and capital accumulation, with which they eventually defeated Islam. (Not at first, however. Constantinople was destroyed by cannons forged in Hungary by Christians. These cannon were ineffective until another group of visiting Christians advised shooting the walls in a triangular pattern. Still, eventually the Islamics were outclassed)


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