Wednesday, January 30, 2019

"nature vs. nurture" is false-dichotomy, "nurture" subjectivist absurdity....

Below-copied by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Nurture" Is Absurd; Nurture Vs. Nature Mere False Dichotomy
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 19)

Get a clue, buddy: "nature vs. nurture" is FALSE DICHOTOMY, for even if it were true there's such thing as "nurture," then that would simply be the program of nature. All the "nurturists" are attempting is to pretend that nurture is the REAL "nature," that things are malleable and subject to human whim, etc.--subjectivism.

Real question, at root, is reality or not--is reality objective (Aristotle)--or not?--like in subjectivism or mysticism. But objectivity is the only way things could be, objectivity the foundation of logic, science, etc. If there was no objectivity, then there's nothing--we'd be Gods in a subjectivist universe, making-up things as we go-along, deuces wild.

The purpose of "nurture" fallacy is just a disguised attempt at same old subjectivism/Satanism, making oneself to be the God creating reality--Satanism by definition.

Thus to pretend reality can be changed by human will (subjectivism) follows fm the non-existent presumption of "good-evil"--which "good-evil" is what Satanists/subjectivists use to control children. And such "good-evil" pretext is why Satanists/subjectivists want to keep people dumbed-down so they stay children, believing in such childish "good-evil" and perfectly "free" will, etc., suffering fm inferiority-complex and esp. guilt-complex.

Reality could ONLY be objective (given absurd alternatives), hence totally DETERMINIST (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), thus historically CYCLIC, as we see it is and must be. Any possible, conceivable "empiricism" would ONLY be possible in an objective reality, hence no "experiment" could possibly conclude to non-objectivity. Q.E.D.

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# 52 T1970 says:
January 27, 2019 at 3:01 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Stephen Paul Foster

“I watched the film and was struck by the very obviously different personal aura or vibration I perceived off of each of the boys. Clear three unique and whole human spirits, whose shared genetics simply allowed their skin suits and brains to match their inherent spiritual qualities, present before birth.”

Hmmm …. a New Age, Oprah-esque perspective, not often seen in these parts.

You could not more inaccurately describe my worldview than calling it “oprahesque”. I read articles around here all the time. On the other hand, I believe humans to be fundamentally spiritual beings temporarily occupying a material body, a common belief. Not to be argumentative, but I am genuinely curious; is anyone who believes in a soul disqualified from being interested in the nature/nurture question?

Friday, January 25, 2019

Mayhaps Christian ethics resembles Buddhist, BUT the metaphysics is totally diff., determinist for Christian, subjectivist for Buddhist, even though they claim objectivity....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Christianity (The Real Thing) Features Determinist Reality AGAINST Buddhist, Satanic, Judaic Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"A lot of the things that Western people cite lovingly about Christianity, the ‘nice Jesus’ stuff, is actually Buddhist material."</blockquote>

Above quotation by "brabantian," along w. the rest of his crap, is most brainless nonsense, deliberately taken out of the EXPLICIT context given in New Test., Christ carrying on a distinct DIALECTIC w. satanic, hereticalist Pharisees who pushed "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition." See,, and for Talmudic/Pharisaic expo.

In fact, it might be true that Christ seemed to emulate Buddhist sayings and notions, but Christ's ethics followed in perfect logic fm his (implicit) metaphysics, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence endorsing the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, AGAINST hereticalist Pharisees featuring extreme subjectivism and satanism, foundation to their incessant lies and lying (JOHN 8:44).

Further, Christian objectivity is determinist (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will) and opposes and rejects Buddhist subjectivism featuring a perfectly "free" will leading to non-existent "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy, according to St. Augustine).

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 21, Brabantian says:
January 24, 2019 at 11:21 pm GMT • 600 Words

Hello Linh Dinh, your writing often has some quite quotable gems I note down, like this profound as well as lulzy one above:

but is there a more racist term than “people of color,” for it slots whites, again, as unique, if only to be pilloried

One particularly sharp expression of yours I often recall, was on how so much of the world was being sold on the idea of some kind of ‘Jewish saviour’, whether Jesus or Moses or Marx, or Mohammed too, very ‘Abrahamic’ as he was, a Jewess amongst his wives included.

Tech note for Linh Dinh – your photos are great, but the links to your Google blog are uncomfortable as I see them using Firefox, and discourage browsing that site or looking for more photos etc. When I click on a link above to your photo blog, I get an unappetising list of place names in an ugly block, and if I am persistent enough to scroll down, I see one photo. I am no web master or advisor, but you are probably missing a big audience for your lively work. I think Google has left its blog platform as rubbish because the Google goons in fact hate independent bloggers.

Regarding the Linh Dinh critique of Jewish saviours and Israel – which I see as having profound elements, unlike some commenters above –

This notion should be a much broader thread amidst the South, East, and South-East Asian religious viewpoints.

Some Hindus not caught up in the pro-Zionist dalliances of the typical India politician, have written scathingly of the ‘desert bloc’ religions, which, as Egypt’s Dr Ashraf Ezzat has noted, spawned the Abrahamic religions within a few hundred kilometres of each other, and all by the same kind of desert tribals, whom Ezzat has described as ‘extremist, fanatic, and of low culture’ … which is what can happen when life or death is all about who can hold possession of a rare watering hole (heaven) so you aren’t tormented in the heat (‘eternal hell’, as the barbaric Abrahamic idea goes).

Ezzat does interesting scholarship arguing the Jewish bible stories re Egypt are a hoax, and the Jews were probably in origin a group of devious Arab bandits from the Yemen region –

(a) Ancient Egypt had records on everything, but essentially zero re Jews and their ‘exodus’

(b) The oldest Bible text existent, is not in ‘Hebrew’, but the Greek Septuagint from Alexandria, where Jews possibly fabricated the whole thing a few centuries before Jesus, to glamourise themselves by linking to wondrous Egypt

(c) Israeli archaelologists, despite decades of fanatic searching, have found little to confirm ‘ancient Israel’ as in the ‘holy book’

A lot of the things that Western people cite lovingly about Christianity, the ‘nice Jesus’ stuff, is actually Buddhist material. E.g., Marcus Borg’s book, ‘Jesus & Buddha: The Parallel Sayings’ documents how some of Jesus’ most-loved phrases imitate Buddha hundreds of years earlier

Christianity is sometimes described as a ‘Buddhist shoot grafted to a Jewish root’ … Some say during Jesus’ ‘missing years’ between ages 15 & 29, Jesus either travelled to India or was influenced by Indian-origin teachers or traders in Palestine

Whereas one of the arguments against Christianity, is that, like Islam, it tends to foster a cult of Jewishness, always giving Jewish influence a leg up … some claiming that this is why the Jew Paul created Christianity for the Greco-Romans and the West, whilst other Jews created Islam for the Arabs, and rabbi’s grandson Karl Marx created yet another ‘Abrahamic religion’ for the ‘enlightened atheists’ … as Linh Dinh suggests, ‘Jewish saviours’ foisted upon us, in schemes that tend to erase the local culture and its goddesses and gods

"Legitimate"?--well, regardless, New Test. literature is extremely significant for philosophy, esp. in contrast to anti-thetic, Pharisaic....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Legitimacy"?--New Test. Is Most Magnificent Literature, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Truth, buddy: all the Bible, ESPECIALLY magnificent New Test. is "legitimate"--why?--because it's most magnificent LITERATURE first, and most, above all--no less than Homer's "Illiad" and "Oddysey," which so well served the era just before the Christian.

They (Illiad, Bible) MIGHT be fictional, perhaps, but (a) one cannot prove there is no God (or no Christ, the Son), and (b) the pt. is such magnificent literature carries magnificent and NECESSARY philosophic lesson, esp. New Test. which so well and brilliantly combats Pharisaism and Pharisaist satanism/subjectivism--which Satanism thou previously acknowledged is the fact.

And this anti-Satanism (and anti-Semitism) as of New Test. was MAGNIFICENT success for West for a good THOUSAND yrs., say up to late Renaissance when the Jew (satanist) bankers began to expand their operations, the stupid goyim going along, having lost their anti-semitic prejudice which had previously served them so well.

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# 196, Truth says:
January 25, 2019 at 6:30 pm GMT
@ ploni almoni

So what did Jesus look like? And what books from the Bible are 100% legitimate?

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Czar aided Lincoln in order to foil Brits (UK), etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Czar Aided Lincoln Against Britain, OBVIOUSLY
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

Franz (see below-copied): thou are obviously not very bright. At time of Lincoln and war of 1860s, it was only FIVE YRS after the Crimean War in which Russkies fought Britain (UK), France, and Ottomans. Russkies were actively involved against UK not only in Europe but also Asia, esp. near India and Afganistan, so the Russkies OBVIOUSLY aided USA against the Brits, simple and easy matter of verifiable history--why not learn some?

Thus UK built ships for the Confederacy and sent 15,000 troops to Canada to menace USA, while France sent a large army to Mexico. For a good while, UK considered recognizing the Confederate states as legitimate independent nation.

Europeans had no "great deity" as thou absurdly pretends, and readily adopted the anti-Semitic worship of TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against the Pharisaic religion of lies, lying, and liars (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), Christianity upholding the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of TRUTH against satanic lies, all ethics following therefrom, Judaism featuring subjectivism ("midrash"), the philosophic idea that reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, the subject being creator of reality, God--Satanism, by definition. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Christianity thus is actually Aristotelian-inspired philosophy at core, but made into a religion for mass consumption which brilliantly counter-acted the Satanism practiced by Jews (Jews-definied as followers of Pharisees), and was brilliant anti-Semitic success for over a THOUSAND years.

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# 19, Franz says:
January 24, 2019 at 10:51 pm GMT • 300 Words

…But deep down Germany did not think that was the moral, and in fact Germany would have had an excellent chance of total victory if it had attacked in the West during 1905 (when Russia was in chaos and Britain had a tiny army). And in that Germany would have won a 1905 WW1 handily and WW2 would not have happened…

The trouble there is the software. Jesus made them not do it.

Or as old Ben Hecht put it, “Germany was Christian for a thousand years”. Even a fraction of that thousand years would have made Germans hesitate as to their existential interests, because the software program of Jesus is, all mockery aside, pretty powerful. They prayed and assumed God is Just, a blunder that runs from the end of the Bonaparte Era to the fizzling days after the Armistice of the Great War.

Not at all unique. The Tsar helped Lincoln in the 1860s, asked why, the Tsar said “Lincoln was saving the West for Christianity” presumably for ending slavery, the last thing on Lincoln’s mind. That Lincoln was not really a Christian makes it far more tragic.

Europeans, to paraphrase the great Robert Graves, blew it when they dumped their own Great Deity for a Middle Eastern fairy tale, a tale that let Judea into Europa and made us second class citizens in our own lands. All men must be chosen by the Divine for the Land they call holy. The lads from the Levant made short work of that.

On the bright side, neopagans are not making a comeback, but they are making the thoughtful do some thinking. Jesus can be re-fitted and made European. Then we’re the Chosen again, our land is holy, and the Middle East can be sent back to where it belongs.

How CYCLIC reality works, explained to negroid, but dis-allowed by the kike censor....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Reality Is Objective Or Subjective, HENCE Determined--Or Not
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

WHO is "simple-minded"? (see below-copied)--the theory/hypothesis is that REALITY IS DETERMINED--in accord w. absolute cause-effect, NO perfectly "free" will, sucker--try to get a brain. Thus the OBVIOUS demonstration of a same-ness/similarity which follows fm genetic identity, same chromosomes--it's inductive evidence, fool.

"Simple-mindedness" is such as thy assertion, "for every . . . "sameness" there is a diff"--which is just moronic platitude which African like thyself imagines is sooooooooooooooooo . . . profound, eh?

We also say thou Africans are an enemy race and should be treated accordingly--determinists tend to agree, and only subjectivistic fools filled w. hubris and wishful thinking deny it--as we see is happening in Europe, eh?

After awhile, enough of the inferior whites--who are partial to African inferiors like thyself--will be killed-off, and the whites who are left will be able to unite against thou savages and enemies--and we'll take care of thou African along w. the Jews who are worst of all, eh?--and we consider this sort of process to be DETERMINED according to CYCLIC theory of history and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

See African savage: what has happened is the SUCCESS of previous white generations has now produced TOO MANY inferior "whites" which now thou inferior blacks, led by thy Jew masterminds take advantage of--does that seem logical to thou? Tell us all about it, ho ho ho ho.

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# 7, obwandiyag says:Next New Comment
January 24, 2019 at 6:19 pm GMT

No, they are NOT the same. For every uncountable, unverifiable “sameness,” there is a difference. You people are so simple-minded.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Soooooooo interesting to watch psychopathic liars go along, doing, saying, including about themselves--they're sooooo . . . uh, wonderful, Jews and their cohorts....

Below-copied by ap submitted but censored by the kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Elite..." Is Simply Pathological
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 19)

This pathological, lying psycho tells us,

<blockquote>"My view is to avoid sacrificing any citizen."</blockquote>

Except when it comes to "preserving the union," as Lincoln did by means of mass-murder and illegal war against the states, the very definition in the Constitution for treason--then it's ok, for "sacrificing." For the liar tells us states gave up sovereignty (which is impossible (a) and (b) nowhere stipulated) to a subordinate entity, the "union," which had only DELEGATED POWERS, not sovereignty.

The psycho extrapolates this lying and imagined surrender of sovereignty, rejecting explicit written law, as the Tenth Amendment which does not prohibit secession by the states, which secession states did regarding Britain and original Articles Confederation.

Psycho can't get it through to his small brain mass that sovereignty is not alienable, that any contract, including the Const. contract which made union, is rescindable, indeed invalid upon refusal of performance by other parties, which only states themselves can determine, the states being EQUAL entities, and cannot become superior as through agency like "supreme ct," which at MOST would only represent a mere majority. For regardless states are still equal entities in law, even if it was all the other states against only one--they're STILL equal.

The fool pretends he can substitute an argument by means of his idiot blathering and copy-pasting of a mass of text to "support" his moronic lies and assertions.

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# 300, EliteCommInc. says:
January 23, 2019 at 6:14 pm GMT

My view is to avoid sacrificing any citizen. In very deep contrast to many on the site and in the end, even in contrast to advocates for utpoian ideologies:

socialism, communism and libertarianism.

Moralist psycho crusades against gov., ho ohoho ho....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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One-Born-Brainless: Moralistic Psycho
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 19)

Miggle: the thing about "one-born-brainless" is he lives in this child's pretend world in which "government" is that most in-human thing which excludes all virtue, and he's insanely, psychotically obsessed w. this insistence of his--it's his big psychologic stick he desperately wants to using against everyone for his insane "moral" superiority--"moral" superiority is his goal, his end-all and be-all--can thou imagine what huge inferiority-complex he thereby hides? At least he's consistent, ho ho ho

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# 133, Miggle says:
January 24, 2019 at 1:23 am GMT • 100 Words

A point made in Shamir’s Galilee Flowers it that a century of pogroms in Tsarist Russia didn’t equal any three months of pogroms inflicted by the Jews on the indigenous Palestinians.

Learn what egregious means. And learn that while disaster occurred nationwide in China the huge number was not intentional, while the Israelis or their politicians perpetually grieve that they have not killed enough of the “Arabs”, the original Hebrews.

The state of Israel and its supporters are the most egregious violators of human justice in all history.

Part of their plot is that they want the Jews to be hated throughout the world because that, they imagine, will increase the rate of migration to Israel and so speed up the genocide. They are certainly being successful in making the Jews hated, but it seems the Jews are fleeing Israel faster.

Sometimes contempt is the best response, and clicking "LOL" is good way--even better--as any other....

 Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Petey-Pete Doesn't Say Why Unc' Adolf, Himmler, Or Goebbels Are NOT "Aryan"
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"Like, for example, the Aryan ideal: tall, blond, blue eyes. Something like Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels, for example."</blockquote>

Is Petey-pete being sardonic?--AGAIN?--ho hoo ho ho oho

"Aryan ideal"?--as distinct fm what? For note there are wide, general distinctions, like "Ham, Shem, and Japhet," though these are only partial and not clear for particular traits. Then there is Caucasian, Negroid, and Mongolian, but these are too broad for many if not most.

But Petey-pete, WHAT is it exactly that would exclude dear, heroic unc' Adolf, Heinrich Himmler, or good old Joe Goebbels fm "Aryan"? Thou are such brilliant know-it-all (tee-hee-hee)--tell us.

And then Petey-pete, don't forget the two basic philosophic divisions, aside fm objective (Christian, Aristotelian) vs. (Jew "midrash") subjective--regarding basic nature of reality. And that regards (a) determinist (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), following fm the objective, and (b) perfectly "free," God-like will, especially regarding "good-evil," following fm subjective, etc.

Thus following the determinist philosophy, race, like anything else, is important, whereas in thy satanic (perfectly "free" will, pretending thou are like God) philosophy, it doesn't matter, right?--"do what thou wilt," right, petey-pete? Tell us all about it.

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#421, peterAUS says:
January 24, 2019 at 1:23 am GMT • 100 Words

Let’s try again, I didn’t quite get what you were trying to say. My fault, entirely.

Australia example didn’t work. Pity, but makes sense. Not enough of specimens to compare.

But, I guess, in Split, for example, we should be able to see plenty of examples of those types: the Illyrian (Ãœbermensch) and Croatian/whatever (untermensch).

Say, how would YOU distinguish between them in, for example, a pub?
You walk in, take a look, even listen a bit, and you just know who’s who?

I am sure you’ve developed quite an effective system.
Care to share that with me (maybe even some “us”) here?

Shape of head? Height? Hair/eyes color?

Like, for example, the Aryan ideal: tall, blond, blue eyes. Something like Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels, for example.

----------------------------below-copied are responses by PeterAUS to above by ap------------------------

# 424 peterAUS says:
January 24, 2019 at 3:32 am GMT • 100 Words

Now, for some reason you’ve slipped through my “ignore list” but, on the positive side, among that usual psychopathic rambling of yours, something did catch my eye:

….don’t forget the two basic philosophic divisions, aside fm objective (Christian, Aristotelian) vs. (Jew “midrash”) subjective–regarding basic nature of reality…

What’s your take on that, occult, element of Nazi regime? Adolf really believed, even practiced, all that?
You know, “The Sword of Destiny”, “The Occult Roots of Nazism” etc.I am sure you’ve read all that.
C’mon, if you can write something of a value there you are allowed to put that “ho hoo ho ho oho” in each paragraph. Imagine that. What a pleasure, a?
• LOL: apollonian


# 425, peterAUS says:
January 24, 2019 at 4:19 am GMT


• LOL: apollonian

you are chickening out? Really?

All that knowledge and erudition, let alone attitude, and…”blop”.

You are even going to say you haven’t read those books?!?

That’s just…….disappointing.
• LOL: apollonian 

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Stupid dink says white-nationalists (WNs) are "leftist"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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As Long As Central-Bank Remains, Fiat Currency Accepted, There's Little Hope
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 19)

Thomm: the (a) "theoretic," psychologic, abstract problem is the heavy pall of HUBRIS and especially SATANISM (extreme subjectivism) which weights down American psyche and ethos in general. (b) The more specific, existential (practical) problem is the central-bank of issue which constantly pumps-out nearly INFINITE "currency"--not real MONEY--see for expo on central-bank; use their site search engine for specific terms.

Note the amazing little factoid that central-bank is a monopoly, and consider what central-banking REALLY is--a literal criminal enterprise, legalized counterfeiting. So these criminals OWN everything and everybody but for that very few (maybe 5-10 % of population) who understand (a) healthy humans and society needs real MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver--a FINITE source.

(b) Since these central-bank criminals can put-out nearly INFINITE quantity (though it will rapidly lose value) of currency, they OWN the political system, capable of out-funding any adverse political candidates. These criminals also defraud the system w. "electronic-voting" which is totally rigged, and they out-fund anyone else by means of the monopolist "Jews-media," aside fm all the other ways of fraud, which they cover by means of owning practically all politicians, judges, and lawyers.

So since these central-bank criminals own everything and practically everyone, it's a fool-proof system, BUT which is doomed to CERTAIN economic collapse--which is practically the ONLY thing patriots can hope for.

Thomm, thou keep repeating idiotically WN is "leftist," and though SOME FEW may be leftist, the entire Christian-Western culture is against "leftism"--which is dictatorship--socialism is GENOCIDE. Christian West stands for Objective reality of Aristotle, REASON, honesty, and integrity (at least we TRY), and Republican virtue based upon RULE-OF-LAW in accord w. REASON, US Constitution being eminent monument to that reason and rule-of-law, featuring individual freedom. Hence patriots, including WNs overwhelmingly favor FREEDOM, including the free-market, fool. Quit thy dumbass lying.

Thomm, thou give NO references whatever for thy continued repeating about WN "leftism," either regarding WNs, or its alleged "leftism," and thou overlooks obvious facts we patriots and WNs want states-rights, in accord w. US Constitution and Declaration of Independence--we want to secede fm thou inferior, enemy, alien, and foreign, non-white races and have our own nation--and it's going to happen, surely, but I guess we'll have to wait for inevitable economic collapse.

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# 111, Thomm says:
January 21, 2019 at 1:45 am GMT • 100 Words

If white America has a future, it won’t be secured by conservatives. It will be secured only by European Americans who reject “business-as-usual” politics and the familiar but ultimately irrelevant “conservative” and “liberal” categories,

The problem is :

i) White Nationalism is a left-wing ideology (i.e. it espouses left-wing economic views).
ii) Ron Unz pointed out how White Nationalism is even less successful in mainstream politics than GOPe conservatism.

• Disagree: apollonian


Real Patriots Are For Freedom, Hence Free Market--Death To Socialism, Which Is Genocide
(Apollonian 19 Jan 19)

What?--WHY wouldn't good patriots like WNs want freedom?--like original founding fathers, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, et al. Hence real WN would want free-market--which is actually "capitalism," but which has been made a dirty word, a "buzz-word" nowadays, due to the morons who ape the Marxist prop. "Crony"-capitalism is diff. fm classic capitalism.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

# 86, FvS says:
January 20, 2019 at 5:45 am GMT

White nationalism itself has no economic ideology inherently attached to it. However, many white nationalists may share certain views on economics and politics.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Truly, Judaism should and must be destroyed--an ocassion to be celebrated....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Judaism MUST Be Destroyed--Even More Than Carthage
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

I personally "revel" in the idea that such monstrosities and psychopaths (Talmudists) will BE EXTERMINATED in accord w. JUSTICE. And I look forward to the day when it will be a legal holiday commemorating the extermination of organized Judaism, an instance of humanity crushing Satanism, the people giving public thanksgiving.

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# 398, Tyrion 2 says:
January 18, 2019 at 8:53 pm GMT
@Grace Poole

Why do people want to both pretend that all those Jews weren’t murdered and, at the same time, absolutely revel in the murder of all those Jews?
• Troll: Mike P
• Replies: @Grace Poole
, @jacques sheete

"Anti-Jew"?--well, isn't that simply natural reaction to Jews who are anti-human?....

Below-copied submitted, but deleted/censored by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Don't Forget What/Who Jews Are: Anti-Christ, Satanist
(Apollonian, 19 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"Surely some of the few Jewish and many anti Jewish commenters on UR care enough about the truth to make inquiries."</blockquote>

"Anti-Jew"?--that merely means we're human, reacting against the satanic anti-human Jews and psychopathic liars, like thou, eh?

"Jew"?--and these are, like thou, simply the anti-human, in accord w. thy filthy, anti-human Talmud.

Remember: Truth = Christ (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) whom/what thou Jews gloat over having killed. Truth is what Jews hate most of all, and what Jews say they create by means of "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," according to thy filthy, satanic Talmud. See,, and

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# 428, Wizard of Oz says:
January 19, 2019 at 5:10 am GMT • 100 Words
@Cloak And Dagger

My imagination tells me that every photo like those ones would be in an index kept by Yad Vashem and no doubt many affiliates and other Jewish institutions. And there would be copious notes on their dates, provenance and every detail of what they showed. Surely some of the few Jewish and many anti Jewish commenters on UR care enough about the truth to make inquiries. How about writing to the Director of one of those institutions to the effect

“I find myself often presented with photographs purporting to show well fed Jewish children in Nazi concentration camps and would be interested to know what your researches say about them as I have no doubt you have just about all of them indexed and annotated for date, place, provenance and authenticity”.

Another random Jew appears to deliver random lying about Germany, Unc' Adolf, etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Random Lies And Lying On Germans By Psychopath, After A Couple Of Inane Prefaces
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

After a couple of sociologic-styled prefaces to lies and lying, "Anon 2" gets to first serious lie:

<blockquote>"And yet Germany, the eternal bully of Europe, has tried to impose its will on the Slavs for at least 1200 years, knowing perfectly well it could not win this battle if only because of the enormous disparity in the numbers."</blockquote>

For obviously, "Germany the eternal bully...," is plain, moronic lie, and as a collective entity, doesn't really have a "will" as individuals do. And if one speaks of foreign policy, then it might refer to other "Slavic" nations, but surely not on Slavs as whole. And collective entities also cannot "know perfectly well." So this is quite idiotic passage. But wait, there's more.

<blockquote>"Hitler’s was the last desperate attempt to impose the German will on the Slavs,...."</blockquote> And above quote is just more of the Jew-friendly, Jew-serving lying, for note Hitler and Germany were attacked by France, UK, and Poland. Of course, Jews will lie, as always, saying it was Poland which was attacked, but actually Poland was encroaching upon and harassing the German city of Danzig, over which Poles had threatened Germany w. war if Danzig was not given to Poland. These encroachments by Poland are well documented and described in David Hoggan's "The Forced War."

UK, largely a Germanic nation itself, encouraged Polish aggression against Danzig and Germany by means of the offensive alliance of March, 1939. So these idiot lies and lying by "anon 2" really are quite brainless.

Our dear psychopath concludes his moronic lying about Germany and "Germanics" with, <blockquote>"I posit that one reason why the Germanics met such an ignominious fate is . . .they have shown extreme and unwarranted levels of aggression,...."
</blockquote> But of course, all humans live and die, the Germans no less, and they obviously haven't shown any more "levels of aggression" than anyone else, as humans are all sinners, and there's no one better than any others, etc.

So we see "anon 2" merely enters some rather typical lying and quite pointless idiocy regarding Germans and their heroic leader, Hitler, pretending thus to commenting on sociology, "levels of aggression," Aristotle, etc.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 11, Anon 2 says:
January 19, 2019 at 6:02 am GMT • 600 Words

Let me get more specific. There is no question that Darwin was not completely wrong when he postulated that we are a product of evolution – in many ways we are basically smart chimps. The horrors of human history demonstrate that humanity has had a very hard time rising above the level of our fellow primates: particularly under stress we tend to be selfish (i.e., pursuing self-interest), tribal, aggressive, revengeful, lustful, territorial, and status-seeking (i.e., obsessed with who is superior and who is inferior). Aggression, specifically, both verbal and physical, seems perfectly normal, at least at this stage of our evolution. Aristotle certainly thought so. He famously said that anger was perfectly acceptable but in his virtue ethics, based on the principle of moderation, the tricky part was to know when to get angry, with whom, to what degree, etc. By his account most humans are not virtuous not because they get angry but because they are not able to express their anger with a high degree of precision.

Let me get even more specific, and apply all this to the interaction between the Germanics and the Slavs. A crucial fact about Europe which is exceedingly rarely noted is that there are 240 million Slavs and only 120 million Germanics (incl. 20 million Scandinavians). The same 2:1 ratio was probably roughly true 1000 years ago. And yet Germany, the eternal bully of Europe, has tried to impose its will on the Slavs for at least 1200 years, knowing perfectly well it could not win this battle if only because of the enormous disparity in the numbers. Hitler’s was the last desperate attempt to impose the German will on the Slavs, and of course it ended not only in defeat, but also German humiliation, just like it ended in defeat and humiliation during World War I – by 1945 Germany lost much of its territory and millions of lives. What do Germanics have to show for 1200 years of history with their vaunted emphasis on science, technology, and efficiency? The Scandinavians are confined to perhaps the worst piece of real estate in Europe, Europe’s equivalent of Alaska – Stockholm’s latitude is close to that of Anchorage. Germany is still occupied, has been reduced to a small country, and is losing 200 – 250 000 ethnic Germans a year. Nothing to write home about. The Slavs, on the other hand, have a huge population, and occupy an enormous territory from the Oder river to Vladivostok on the Pacific. Meanwhile, the German ideal of science, technology, and warfare, although widely imitated (e.g., by U.S., Japan, and others) is losing popularity. There is growing disillusionment with science and technology for many reasons, including environmental degradation, massive extinction of species, falling fertility rates, decreasing life expectancy in the U.S. (despite enormous sums spent on medical research), etc. Sabine Hossenfelder, German physicist, recently suggested that 90% of the world’s 40 000 particle physicists should be fired because they don’t contribute anything to human welfare. That kind of proposal would have been unthinkable even 50 years ago.

I posit that one reason why the Germanics met such an ignominious fate is because they didn’t understand that even though aggression is perfectly normal, following Aristotle they have shown extreme and unwarranted levels of aggression, and achieved the opposite of their goal – they were roundly defeated and humiliated, the fate that eventually befalls all bullies. A more disturbing conclusion is that because science and technology weaponize aggression to stratospheric levels, there is now a whole climate of suspicion around science and technology that didn’t exist 150 years ago when people were still starry eyed about science as capable of solving all our problems.

Amazing, presumptuous schizoid babbles about Darwin....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Good Golly, Miss Molly, But We're Zorched By A Zarch Here, Eh?--Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

"Intelligent"?--ho ho ho ho--that's thy moniker?--seriously?--ho o hoh oho (see below-copied). Do thou begin to realize how putridly presumptuous--even outrightly SCHIZOID--thou really are, buddy? Thou say, "Perhaps the reality of seeing their cherished beliefs set forth in full clarity, and thus enabling them to take in at one glance the intrinsic insufficiency...."

Newsflash, sucker: Durocher is almost as bad a writer as thou, and sorry, but perhaps thou could tell us what is given in "full clarity."

"[I]ntrinsic insufficiency," thou presumptuous schizoid?--of what, exactly?--could thou say?--no?--I didn't think so.

"[U]nderstand nothing about Darwin."?--but didn't he indicate presumptuous, fatuous weaklings/inferiors like thou would "fall by the wayside"?--or was that Spencer?--regardless, seems true enough to me--thou art excellent example/instance.
"Darwin’s actual theories were quite different than that which is preached under his name today."</blockquote> Oh?--is that so?--so then, WHAT was Darwin's "theory," and HOW/WHY is it actually "quite diff."?--tell us, oh sage of presumption, pretension, and fatuity, ho ho ho ho. Are thou missing a massive "leg" to "standing upon"?--ho oho ho ho ho

"[T]houghtful reading of the Origin of Species..."?--but WHAT do thou actually KNOW about "thoughtful," presumptuous one, who can't ever actually say anything of any substance?

Then thou tells us, <blockquote>"And while both versions are incorrect, original Darwinism is at least a philosophy (of sorts) that can be handled by the techniques of reason and criticism, while today’s Darwinistic Dufflepuds propound naught but an incoherent spectacle of catchwords and post hoc rationalizations that their master’s generation would have been ashamed to include under the rubric of science."
</blockquote> But we notice thou actually say NOTHING--for WHY are "both versions" "incorrect," sucker--how?--why? "Rubric of science"?--so WHAT do thou actually KNOW about science, Mr. know-it-all?--tell us, ho ho ho ho

<blockquote>"Notwithstanding the Dawinistic heading, what has actually been accepted amounts to little more than a doughy mass of vague materialism sprinkled with occasional shavings of biomolecular gobbledygook, and this only by the half-educated urban bourgeoisie."</blockquote>

What?--"half-educated urban bourgeoisie"?--takes one to know one, eh? And "gobbledygook," thou say?--ho ho ho ho--don't thou realize thy entire presumptuous mass of moronic assertions-without-any-substantiation at all, whatsoever, which constitutes the entirety of thy posting here, is most PERFECT example of such "gobbledygook"?--ho ho ho ho ho

So, I think I've analyzed quite enough of thy idiot nonsense, buddy, all the rest of thy posting is essentially the same sort of presumptuous crap--WHO do thou think thou art kidding, sucker?--ho ho ho ho oho

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

1, Intelligent Dasein says: • Website
January 17, 2019 at 6:35 pm GMT • 600 Words

Strange to see that this essay has been up for five days now without yet garnering a single comment. This ought to be catnip to Unzitarians of the HBD confession, but nobody has dropped by to say a word. Perhaps the reality of seeing their cherished beliefs set forth in full clarity, and thus enabling them to take in at one glance the intrinsic insufficiency thereof, has dampened their desire for any frank discussion lest the magic circle be broken and the enlivening spirit drain away.

For it is apparent, and has been for many years, that the rather vocal Darwinians such as those who populate this website understand nothing about Darwin. They pay him a sort of grandfatherly homage, they advert to him as a shibboleth, but they do not read him and they certainly do not comprehend him. Any thoughtful reading of the Origin of Species would conduce to the conclusion that Darwin’s actual theories were quite different than that which is preached under his name today. And while both versions are incorrect, original Darwinism is at least a philosophy (of sorts) that can be handled by the techniques of reason and criticism, while today’s Darwinistic Dufflepuds propound naught but an incoherent spectacle of catchwords and post hoc rationalizations that their master’s generation would have been ashamed to include under the rubric of science.

Darwin’s nominal disciples have long since abandoned him for the golden calf of DNA, which they have imbued with every possible power, faculty, and meaning. The folly of this approach will, I trust, be sufficiently clear to the thinking man of today, and will in any case be made apparent to all and sundry in due course of time. Meanwhile, the formless state of these beliefs gives the lie to statements such as this:

virtually everyone accepts the scientific theory of Charles Darwin concerning the emergence and evolution of the various species in the world,

Notwithstanding the Dawinistic heading, what has actually been accepted amounts to little more than a doughy mass of vague materialism sprinkled with occasional shavings of biomolecular gobbledygook, and this only by the half-educated urban bourgeoisie. The wider world cares nothing for such “scientific” [sic] theories, while truly profound men have always been moved to a quite different conclusion as exemplified by Aristotle himself, viz. the epistemological permanence of the world and the inalterability of the major taxa.

Since Darwinism is false in its very beginnings and cannot adequately answer even to rather general matters of life history, it is then the height of absurdity to attempt to apply it to the tense and concrete sociopolitical problems of the present moment. But the devotees of human biodiversity, certain of their beloved “science,” draw precisely the opposite lesson. For them it is HBD which is axiomatic. It is not that HBD is true because Darwinism has shown it to be so on other and unimpeachable grounds, but Darwinism that is true because it agrees with muh HBD! How such an involved and illogical belief could have taken hold among the soi-disant high IQ set is a genuine curiosity.

The passing away of this superficial system will allow for at least the possibility of effective political action regarding questions of race and immigration. The HBD hermeneutic is a scientistic way of dissembling upon the problem by talking about it as if it were something else.

Poor, brainless, moronic fools refuse to see Jews (evidence pt-ing to) all over 9/11; Jews did it, suckers, but scummy cowards don't want to admit it....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews: As Far As Eye Could See
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Ck Chris Bollyn’s work at, aside fm his books, “Solving 9/11.” Bollyn pt.s-out the MASSIVE inductive evidence, the Jews ALL OVER the case, fm the non-investigation by DOJ (Justice), headed by Chertoff, to the litigation, headed by Jews–who were also conflicted for interest, including the cover-up by the Jews-media, including the massive dis-info that went along, including on the I-net.

EVERYTHING about 9/11 was covered at all pt.s by the Jews–and I mean Jews, too–they didn’t leave it to sympathetic gentiles. The victims families were steadily ground-down and refused trials and then paid-off, this operation headed by Jews too.

Cui Bono?–it served Jew interests, no one else, not only Israeli-Zionist (on the “neo-con” “right”), but also the “leftist” Jew world order (JWO), world-gov. side too–a total win-win for the Jew factions.

To be sure, the utterly corrupt, thoroughly masochistic USA was begging to be struck, things perfectly set-up by the “Judeo-Christian” (JC–see and for expo) hereticalists and collaborators, both Catholic and Protestant, colluding w. Jews.

Thus USA was and is exposed as thoroughly domesticated cattle, willing to be murdered and consumed by their keepers, the Jews–USA the perfect slaves, glorying in their slavery and servitude–but the coming economic recession/depression and currency collapse will be horrific, the Jews not allowing their slaves to recovering and striking-back at them.

So HOW now can we see the Jews?–they’re like most cruel pimp towards their whore(s), Jews giving beating after beating, and the whore thanking their masters for it all–and it’s only the beginning for the execution that’s bound to come, setting-up now for a civil-war, insuring no retribution will be directed towards Israel and little towards Jews themselves still in USA.

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# 148, Druid says:
January 17, 2019 at 12:05 am GMT • 100 Words

911 was a zio-Mossad job.
There were 4000 Jews working in the Twin Towers before 9-11. Only 4 Israelis died. Why were all the New York Jews not there and therefore killed. I always wondered and was suspicious. Turns out a memo was sent to Jews to stay away from the towers. Al Frankenstein, Minnesota senator, Jew, had an office in the towers, and gave a speech in which he says, “I’ll be honest, I got that message”.

Need I say more. Along with all the others evidence, the dancing IsrElis, the Israelis waiting with cameras, telling cops they were waiting to film the event, etc., etc., is there any question who did it!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hist. based on reality shows diff. races are necessarily enemies, always have been....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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The Real History, Based On Actual Reality
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"I think you need a review of US history regarding relations between whites and black citizens."</blockquote>

US history regarding white citizens is they migrated fm Europe as settlers, the N. American colonies being European in culture. The blacks were basically slaves, esp. in the southern parts of N. America, blacks hated and held in contempt by the whites for obvious, usual, natural reasons, humans being sinners, the whites not wanting to compete w. free black labor, etc.

Note diff. races HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ENEMIES--and always will be--for life on earth sucks, and life is war, as Homer, Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Herbert Spencer, Charles Darwin and all the best minds and philosophers of Western Civ. have understood. Strife and war btwn diff. races is NOTHING new. Whites and blacks don't like one another, never have, and never will--same goes for all races--life sucks, doesn't it?

So now we have "elite...," once again, working to patronize and condescend to the blacks as soooooooooooooooooooooo many of his "liberal" sort have always done, "elite..." pretending he's morally virtuous in doing so w. this putrid, typical sort of patronization which has been going on now for at least a hundred yrs, eh?

Thus the historic situation is blacks SHOULD have been sent back to Africa where they belong--even Lincoln certainly knew he had to get rid of them. The southern states of 1860 wanted to run their slave economies independent of the northern industrialists, but northerners weren't having it, the north subsequently invading and genociding the southern people, both black and white, mass-murdering probably a million of both races by later 1860s.

Additionally, we southerners slaughtered several hundred thousand yank invaders, so after the war, the "radical" northern politicians took the vote and political power away fm whites and imposed upon whites these former black slaves--purely out of revenge and malice for the southerners having defended themselves against invading northern psychopaths and murderers.

Further, as yrs went by, blacks migrated NORTH and imposed their dictatorship, such as it is, upon the poor stupid whites up there too, hoh o ho ho ho ho--a little poetic justice, eh? So it's same old, same old--war and strife btwn the races, as always, and as always will be.

What has to happen now is whites exercising NULLIFICATION and perhaps some more secession to starting up our own countries and states once again--this sort of action is necessary wave of the future. People like "elite..." will typically and predictably object, but this time we the people need to treat these creatures like the TRAITORS and enemies they really are--with summary justice--there's the real solution to things. See

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 228, EliteCommInc. says:
January 16, 2019 at 5:35 pm GMT • 300 Words

It all depends by what is meant by negatively impacted. If you mean having to fairly compete or are in some manner impacted by redress, you’ll have to be more specific.

I think you need a review of US history regarding relations between whites and black citizens. The history is overwhelming that the black citizen was the target of discrimination, overt and covert in nearly every area of their lives. Even a look at the history of riots makes clear — whites are the primary aggressors. From the extremes of murder, to assault to the destruction of property and various adverse discriminatory practices. Sadly, even today, blacks according to FBI data sets are the victims of hostile acts from whites overwhelmingly. It’s a frustrating reality.

I don’t think there is any way for whites to know how the AA policy has adversely affected them. There are two hurdles:

1. women, white women are the primary benefactors of AA policies and practices.
2. the actual number of african americans who might benefit from affirmative is unknown, but even if it were an across the board application – 100% it would not even reach a threshold of the 12% represented by the black population.

It’s not slavery — it’s the long term consequences to the immediate and long term issues indicated by policies and practices.

I assume you mean by white social norms — the norms of civil society in ethos and practice as to our constitution. Well, it is generally accepted that everyone do so, including whites. Which in my view has nothing to do with color itself.

I would add you cannot practice segregating people form the norms and then make an argument that they don’t follow the norm from which you have denied — the logical order just doesn’t follow.

But what is astounding in my view is that despite national practices to bar their exclusion for the society, the proportion of African Americans who operate withing the norms of US society is generously high — despite the animosity they face.

How few Jews there are--like how little typhus or plague can bring down much larger host....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Steady Corruption, "Decline Of The West," By Spengler
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"P.S: How many Jews are there in the world?
Why do you insist all the time, through all the forum out there, in them being so powerful?"</blockquote>

I've actually explained the process in these pages several times (see above # 76): think of Jews as a disease, like typhus or plague, and note it doesn't take too many or too much of this disease to wreak havoc over the far-larger, more massive body.

For a culture/society steadily corrupts, the founding generations most honest and objectivistically (in accord w. strict determinist cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will) -oriented, the founders brave, heroic, hard-working, and productive--like the Romans, for example.

BUT the following generations?--become corrupt steadily, especially in way of becoming moralistic, pretending more to "free" will, and moral virtue (as of non-existent "good-evil"), by which they imagine and insist they can affect or even change reality--like God(s). Thus these corrupt generations become evermore SUBJECTIVIST, the extreme version being satanism--as we presently see, subjectivism the idea that reality is product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator--satanism, by definition.

Jews then are foremost subjectivists/Satanists--all one needs do is ck their basic philosophy found in Talmud and Zohar (Cabala) featuring "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition." For Jews practice most sublime COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, a co-operative, most effective "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and organized.

Thus Jews naturally dominate the far more numerous gentile Satanists and subjectivists, Jews the natural leaders. And the culture/society is effectively entirely captured when the Jews take-over the central-bank of issue (as US Federal Reserve Bank) which literally legally counterfeits the currency (not real MONEY), providing nearly INFINITE funds for all the other criminal enterprise(s)--see for expo; use their search-engine for particular terms.

Indeed, this process of the corruption, take-over, and take-down of the culture is very much the subject of "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion"--it's so realistic and informative that Jews have been whining and shrieking about it since it came out a hundred yrs ago. Regardless, note satanism is not something merely "religious"--it's explicit matter of philosophy, known to many, but taken seriously mainly by Jews, one may be sure. Jews just take advantage of corrupt gentiles, actually--exactly like a disease, when one considers.

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# 291, Fatima Manoubia says:Next New Comment
January 17, 2019 at 12:12 am GMT • 100 Words

Who the **** cares? Seriously. What you are essentially stating is that you would give up your nation to have a pair of Israeli made sandals. Stop being retarded.

No, I am not stating anything of the sort…just the opposite, but, well, I have not the mood to explain you my point…. in case it not gets clear to you with all what I said….

You can now continue reading “The Elders of Zion”, and whinning about your bad luck, who the **** cares?

P.S: How many Jews are there in the world?

Why do you insist all the time, through all the forum out there, in them being so powerful?

Get a pair and make them front as the Syrians have done…
Of course, that would imply you getting your ass from the armchair….and stop the reading of that book…

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Whites regaining independence really isn't difficult--states rights, nullification, secession are quite helpful concepts....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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History Is CYCLIC, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

Doesn't matter: whites will revive simply by means of States-rights, nullification, and secession--we move to better places, establish independence, renew the culture--as happened before, the Boers of S. Africa, fm 1830s, Europeans to N. America.

Note hist. is CYCLIC, according to Oswald Spengler--everything eventually corrupts in HUBRIS, that objectivistic mentality degenerating to subjectivism and Satanism.

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 55, follyofwar says:Next New Comment
January 15, 2019 at 6:33 pm GMT • 100 Words

You wrote: “Whites are 62 percent of the population?”

I’m 67. When I was in public high school, whites were 90%. That was only 50 years ago. If my math is correct, in percentage terms, that’s 69% fewer whites. (62 divided by 90 = .69 rounded). Assuming this replacement rate remains constant, that means we’ll have less than a 43% white population in 50 years.

But that rate is quickly accelerating, wall or no wall, as whites are no longer having children. And, in an increasingly dysfunctional, racist (against whites), over-populated country, who could blame them? The late, great USA is done for. Stick a fork in it. Demography is destiny.

Moron doesn't want to face reality--gee whiz, so sorry, sucker, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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# 223 apollonian says:
January 15, 2019 at 8:10 pm GMT

Unc’ Adolf was NOT “half-Jew,” fool–get a brain. See

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# 222, Ilyana_Rozumova says:
January 15, 2019 at 2:23 pm GMT

Schneerson Was nothing but of the shelf idiotic racist, like every other Jew blabbing idiotic stupidities.
And Hitler was half Jew so according to you he was half right.

--------------------below-copied response to ap, above, top------------------

# 224, Ilyana_Rozumova says:
January 16, 2019 at 5:05 am GMT

I have read it. It is absolute total BS. It is irresponsible Garbage.
Read More
• Disagree: apollonian

Psycho arguing for union of 1861 insists states gave-up sovereignty, but how in a CONTRACT (equal parties)?....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Can't Argue (Successfully, Anyway) With Psycho
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

Look, sucker: thou are simply psychotic--a typical passive-aggressive, obsessed fool, attempting to justify mass-murder, as of the bloody yanks, Republicans, and "radicals." Thou do not understand "Constitutional-contract," pathetic ignorant fool--don't understand contract, the union mere agency, NOT a national gov. w. only enumerated powers which were DELEGATED by the ONLY sovereign entities, the states.

For if thou admits the Constitutional Contract or Compact, as of Calhoun, then one understands two (or more) equal parties, and that if one party is in violation, then the other is absolved of any further obligations--thou wants to pretend this is "negotiable" and this to be arbitrated by one of the parties--brainless psychotic moron.

OBVIOUSLY, the Sup. Ct. is not, could not be arbiter, as that makes the agent union (merely representing some of the interested states) the master presiding overall. Only the states can arbitrate among themselves, there being no higher authority possessing SOVEREIGNTY. States are not inferiors supplicating to some higher authority, idiot. And only the state can decide for itself whether its sovereignty is being violated or not. THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE to state deciding for itself IS SLAVERY, but pyscho like thee can't figure it out.

And thou continues to ignore Jefferson's and Madison's expo to this (above-noted) effect in the resolutions. Thou blatantly lie when thou asserts states gave up sovereignty--thou are just babbling fool--a psycho.

<blockquote>"...national authority would be overall."</blockquote>

Above is just an obvious, stupid, ignorant lie--just babbling by a psycho.

But psychotic scum rule, as after 1865--I don't deny--and doesn't mankind chafe under yoke of present-day psychopaths who rule by means of criminal enterprise like central-banking and world-gov. dictatorship, presently pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE in humanity's face? Psychopaths RULE by means of such as thou's brilliant reasoning and brilliant inferences--against the explicit ltr of the law (10th Amendment, for one).

States seceded fm KINGDOM of G. Britain in which secession wasn't allowed, but psycho like thou can't figure-out secession is right of any sovereign entity which is (still) the state(s), and that's why secession wasn't and COULDN'T have been PROHIBITED by 10th Amendment. But by all means, go ahead and keep babbling like the psycho thou really are--I'll just click "LOL" fm now on, eh?

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# 249, EliteCommInc. says:
January 15, 2019 at 3:38 pm GMT

If one disagrees, they are welcome to advance the due process by means of orderly disunion made by southern states. Merely attempting justify the violent choices they made.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Moron "anarchist" (against gov.) imagines he's thought of something no one else has....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but deleted/censored by Unz, at comments,

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Brainless One Sooooo Proud Of Himself
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

Thou art such a genius, truly, brainless one--even without a brain--imagine that--it's downright miracle, isn't it?

But I don't ONLY say “itz da jeeewwwws,” thou pathetic narcissistic, presumptuous know-it-all fool. For note I carefully expound the large satanistic cultural complex and circumstances within which Jews MUST work, and COULDN'T be successful without, and I carefully define that satanism showing how Jews naturally thrive and dominate, etc.

"Compliment"?--sucker, all thou spouteth is mere PLATITUDES which these good people here have all hrd many times before fm such a self-righteous, rather obsessive narcissist like thyself who pretends thou has discovered something no one has ever imagined before. Get a clue, chump.

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# 125, onebornfree says: •
January 15, 2019 at 10:42 pm GMT • 100 Words

apollonian says: “One-born-brainless: I’m sure the other readers/posters here on this site pray like I do that we could all be as smart, far-seeing, and omniscient as a blatant narcissist as thyself, sucker. Keep sending us thy magnificent pearls of oracular wisdom, by all means, chump.”

Methinks I struck a nerve or two ! And I’m happy to send all of the assorted “itz da jeeewwwws” types more of “magnificent pearls of oracular wisdom” [or whatever]. And thanks for the back-handed compliment, by the way!

---------------above by brainless one in response to below-copied by ap---------------

# 118, apollonian says: • Website
January 15, 2019 at 9:49 pm GMT

One-born-brainless: I’m sure the other readers/posters here on this site pray like I do that we could all be as smart, far-seeing, and omniscient as a blatant narcissist as thyself, sucker. Keep sending us thy magnificent pearls of oracular wisdom, by all means, chump.

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# 109, onebornfree says: • Website
January 15, 2019 at 9:23 pm GMT • 100 Words

This comment thread is just about choc full of brainwashed slaves who apparently don’t object at all to having their lives run by someone/something else, as long as it/they are not jewish!

This is the essence of most of the comments here. What a frickin’ laugh . Ho! ho! ho!

And so it goes…..

“The fact is that the average man’s love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies.” H.L. Mencken

Regards, onebornfree

satanism is something that can't be fully eradicated--it always re-arises, like HUBRIS, upon which it is founded....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Satanism/Subjectivism Yet Fills Necessary Function/Purpose
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

But if one simply follows the reasoning I try to give at above # 76 (see, one sees that (extreme) subjectivism and HUBRIS is a natural condition of mankind, and will merely rise again even if one imagines one has suppressed any given out-break. And that's why extermination is no permanent solution as hubris and (extreme) subjectivism would arise again.

Note there's eminent socio-biologic place and function of such Satanism/extreme-subjectivism, and that's the elimination/removal of excess population of hubristic goyim/humanity--for that's all that's happening--toooooo many stupid goons addicted to watching TV, eh? So God thus inflicts us w. this race/religion of Satanism, making themselves God, etc.--they're really like a disease, like typhus or plague, removing the inferiors which have grown up.

If one merely considers, one sees there would have to be some such mechanism regulating the population levels.

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 120, Mulegino1 says:
January 15, 2019 at 10:03 pm GMT • 100 Words

Jews are like Gresham’s law: Bad Jews drive the (potentially) good people of Jewish descent out of circulation. They do this by fomenting the most culturally injurious and anti-social behavior imaginable. The source of Jewry’s power is the combination of shameless effrontery with the lack of any real fixed principles or morals and its matchless social networking skills. When one has no moral imperative other than “Is it good for the Jews?” it is quite easy for these soulless and rootless people to serve out their subversive witches brew of societal and cultural corruption.

It is a shame that world Jewry was not exiled to Birobidjan or Madagascar.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Actual facts are WWII was started by UK, France, and Poland--like UK and France started WWI too, along w. Russia and Serbia....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but deleted/censored by the kike, Unz, at comments,

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It Was UK, France, And Poland Which Illegitimately Started WWII, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 14 Jan 19)

Jilles tells us:

<blockquote>"In 1939 Hitler attacked Poland, no doubt about it."</blockquote>

But this, by Jilles, above, is only partially true. (a) In fact, Poland was steadily harassing and encroaching upon the German city of Danzig which it had announced it intended to take as its own, and that if Germany did not agree to Danzig becoming part of Poland, then IT MEANT WAR. See "The Forced War," by David Hoggan.

(b) Further, the Poles were deliberately murdering Germans who were in Poland who had stayed upon their properties when German territory was handed over to Poland after the Armistice of Nov. 1918. And it wasn't only a few murders of Germans by this Polish gov. policy, it evidently went up into the thousands according to credible reports.

(c) Further, note Poland had illegitimately taken territory fm Germany despite the plebiscites under League of Nations Auspices, in 1919-20, which had voted to remain German.

(d) These above-noted events took place in context of the UK-Polish OFFENSIVE alliance of March 1939 by which UK promised to go to war against Germany whenever Poland chose to attack, encouraging the Polish encroachments and harassment of Danzig, and the murderous persecution of Germans in Poland.

CONCLUSION: So the "attack" by Germany in 1939 must be understood as either "retaliatory" or "pre-emptive," even as COUNTER-attack, deliberately provoked by Poland which had threatened Germany w. war should the Germans resist or not consent to the Polish taking of German city of Danzig. Regardless, the Germans possessed legitimate claim to genuine casus belli w. respect to Poland. And it was upon this pretext of German-Polish strife and combat, provoked by Poland, not Germany, encouraged by UK, that UK and France subsequently declared illegitimate war against Germany, UK and France the ones who STARTED WWII--just as they, along w. Russia and Serbia, deliberately started WWI.

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# 24, jilles dykstra says:Next New Comment
January 14, 2019 at 9:01 am GMT • 400 Words

Anyone can make a mistake, but the fact that this misinformation has remained so widespread for so many years suggests the rather unreliable quality of most anti-immigration sources across the Internet.

I had to smile when I read this.

The holy trinity was a compromise agreed on in Cyprus in the third or fourth century.

Intellectuals all the time saw the nonsense, wrote or talked about it, and lost their lives, often in horrible ways, such as Servetius who was burned alive around 1600 by Calvin in Geneva, on green wood, so that he suffered longer.

There still are historians who write or wrote books on how Bismarck in 1870 provoked the French attack on what now is Germany by publicising a telegram from a Kaiser offended by a French diplomat to Bismarck.

Anyone with some common sense can understand that a few lines cannot start a war.

In 1914 there were the Serajewo murders, the same story, how killing two people, even two Habsburgs, in itself can start the first world war, defies all common sense.

In 1939 Hitler attacked Poland, no doubt about it. The beginning of the execution of his plan for world domination.

Until today nobody has explained how a 44 million people could dominate the whole word.

This despite that the USSR was unable to dominate E Europe, that the USA was and is unable to dominate the world.

At present we have the CO2 madness. Figures about CO2 ppm can be found anywhere. These figures show without any doubt that at the present CO2 ppm levels there is no problem whatsoever. Yet mankind seems intent on executing the most expensive experiment ever in human history, not just expensive in money, but expensive in destroying the European cultures.

I could go on about nonsensical ideas, from slavery to fixed currency exchange rates, even Keynes, Bretton Woods believed in this, the euro is partly based on this nonsense, but what is the point ?

Homo sapiens is hardly rational, seen in evolution, also a nonsense idea, there is no evolution, conciousness came very late.

So what are some misunderstandings about immigration in the USA ?

This is not so say that these misunderstandings, deliberate, thus in fact propaganda, or simply by lack of critical analysis, are not important, they often are, the word important here a big understatement.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Psycho here (not me--the other guy, ho hoho) is sooooooooooo smug; he doesn't understand satanism, but he still thinks he knows soooo much....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

[This is actually not just a little funny, but read below--the guy I'm trying to talk to here doesn't realize Unz, the devilish kike "editor" has deleted my previous posting response to the guy--yet Unz, the "editor," went ahead and published the other guy's next response, ho ho ho--I'm sure Unz thinks he's funny, eh?--ho ho ho ho]

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Psycho Imagines He Knows All
(Apollonian, 14 Jan 19)

What's to "disagree" with?--EVERYTHING, for thou art corrupt and perverted for all thy "reasoning." First of all, Unz deleted my response (CENSORSHIP--art thou shocked?) to thy comment, so I could only click the "disagree"--Unz is a devilish little kike, even more devilish than thou, Unz determined to color and manipulate every dialectic, even by his deletions--he's a subtle little bastard, truly. Amazing the perverted little kike goes ahead and yet publishes thy latest comment when he deleted mine which preceded--don't thou think?

"Light hand on moderation" is just another Jewwy lie by our little kike "editor" (censor) who considers carefully upon approving any/every comment, thou may be sure--I wasn't even that surprised at his deletion of last comment, the moron truncating our dialectic so abruptly (indicating utterly stupid, perverted "editorship"). But our fellow readers and commenters here are surely much aware of Unz's creepy little tricks and stunts, no doubt.

But comrade, thou art soooo corrupt for thine own "reasoning," that it's best to simply say I totally reject nearly all thy premises--thou do not understand satanism (see again my definition at # 155), and thou adopt Jews' collective guilt lie/delusion--thou art a fool and rather satanic in thine own manner.

Regarding "Khazar ownership," note they do need some co-operation fm many of the goyim and a good deal of distraction/diversion of the rest of the goons, morons, and still over-populated goyim scum, by means of cognitive dissonance, etc. And never forget there's "no honor among thieves," so even the kikes at the top eye one another w. good deal of suspicion--observe the treachery of the "neo-cons" who backed Trump against the "globalists," who were truly soooo shocked and surprised and STILL resentful.

Thou art sooooo smug over thy pretended cleverness, thou didn't even bother to grasp my analysis at # 155, so it's pretty useless further discussing things w. such as thou.

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# 206, Truth says:
January 14, 2019 at 4:50 am GMT

What is there to disagree with? The Khazars make up 1% of the world population and they almost literally own the other 99%. You’re saying they did that without our permission?

Tariffs?--simply tax Americans, consumers for benefit of Jew monopolies....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Tariffs Are Simply More Taxation For Benefit Of Jew Monopolists
(Apollonian, 13 Jan 19)

There's no necessity for tariffs--which is mere tax upon American consumers, protectionism for the internal Jew-owned monopolies. Don't forget, Trump is owned by Israel, does things for Israel.

Trump's anti-globalist "nationalism" leads by ineluctable logic to states-rights as of old Confederate States of America.

Actually, best thing for USA is to remove the central-bank (the Fed) which is mere criminal enterprise (see; use their search-engine), and especially, restoring STATES-RIGHTS, nullification, and secession by which whites and Christians will achieve freedom, independence, and self-sufficiency. See

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# 165, ronbow says:
January 13, 2019 at 9:04 pm GMT

apollonian disagrees that US should become self sufficient??

CYCLIC theory of hist., etc., can be too muddled w. complexity--like Orlov's....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Orlov's Model Is Ridiculously Complex, Muddled
(Apollonian, 13 Jan 19)

I think Orlov rather "overthinks" this general CYCLIC process which was extremely well exposited by Oswald Spengler in "Decline of the West"--it's CYCLICAL--a nation begins and is amazingly successful, prosperous, victorious, but after awhile inexorably becomes corrupt.

Another way to observe this process is initial success of the culture leads to over-population of fools, scum, goons, losers, weaklings, etc.

But thematically, the opposed concepts are <b>objectivity vs. subjectivism</b> (hence also, consequently, determinism vs. perfectly "free" will) which subjectivism becomes extreme hence satanistic, subjectivism the idea that all reality is product of mentality/consciousness by which subject becomes God, the creator, Satanism by definition.

Thus, as in Roman and American instances, the FOUNDING generations were honest, hence objectivistic, but their overwhelming success led inexorably to following generations of effete, HUBRISITIC inferiors and weaklings who took-up subjectivist philosophy (as Immanuel Kant's) in which, especially, they indulged in idea they could become "good" and morally virtuous--when dear old Christianity teaches that we're all always mere sinners, and can never be "good"--which "good" doesn't even exist (there's no criterion that works).

At a certain pt. then, these utterly corrupt, hubristic generations bring in the foremost, ultimate Satanists, the Jews (just ck their Talmud and Zohar), and it's all over, for the Jews are the destroyers.

Jews then are <b>not the first cause</b> of the corruption, but they are the zenith (of corruption), the ultimate Satanists who practice most sublime Satanism in way of COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, Jews colluding in most sublime "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and organized, hence leading and dominating all the other gentile Satanists/subjectivists who are more individualist and isolated. The Satanist then, generally, dominate the rest of the society by simple means of fear.

The fatal instance (of corruption) comes when the society adopts CENTRAL-BANKING and a fiat-currency (see for expo; use site search-engine for specific terms) which Satanists control to expanding the empire which naturally works to become literal world gov.--as in League of Nations and United Nations (UN), as we see, now pushing literal GENOCIDE of Agenda-21 and -2030.

And there's no real, easy solution to this CYCLIC process; the inferiors and weaklings must simply be killed-off, as by war, famine, and pestilence, till a survivable remnant takes the opportunity to restore a semblance of civilization if it is possible--otherwise it's back to the stone-age.

But Jews aren't the first cause of the corruption--they're mere disease, like typhus, or plague, taking advantage of the weakened, corrupted host. But if there's to be any kind of turn-around for health of society, surely the Jews must be removed, they being the very "head" of proverbial "snake," the rest of the gentile Satanists/subjectivists being relatively easy to mop-up, even though they're much more numerous in quantity, they're far less well organized--they need the Jews, foremost collectivists.

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# 124, Jake says:Next New Comment
January 13, 2019 at 4:59 pm GMT • 100 Words

The most important part of this article is Dmitry Orlov writing about Stage 5: Cultural Collapse. One way to understand what the US Elites have been up to since at least the early 1960s is that they have been using their wealth and power to destroy all Middle American senses of community.

It is wrong to say they, intentionally or accidentally, have been destroying all American senses of community. They have not done anything to destroy Jewish or black or gay American senses of community. But they have acted to destroy white Middle American senses of community.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

So who did finance Germans, prior to WWII?--Hitler and Schacht worked together, using a fiat-currency; did amazingly well--had to be destroyed....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but deleted and censored by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Germany Was Getting Too Strong--Had To Be Destroyed
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 19)

Who indeed, did finance Germans? We KNOW Hitler and his finance-lieutenant, Schacht, ran a fiat-money system which sort of system is always ultimately a loser, though Hitler and Schacht worked mightily to keeping inflation in hand--and by this means they (Hitler and Schacht) were able to achieve truly impressive things economically.

Real money--gold/silver--creates prosperity, but then that always corrupts the people who suffer HUBRIS, pretending to perfectly "free" will and non-existent "good-evil" for children and dogs, the economic system turned into a welfare-state--it's a CYCLIC process, according to Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West."

By 1936, the Jew bankers were losing patience w. Germany, and upon FDR's re-election, he was beginning to start to seriously agitating for war, calling for a "quarantine" against Germany.

Otherwise, we know also that Germany and USSR were being built-up by West and USA--even though USA was suffering serious recession in 1930s--and all this simply followed fm WWI, institution of League of Nations, and USSR.

Both Churchill and FDR loved the position they had in late 1930s itching and watering-at-mouth for war, "the Focus" group of Jews heavily financing Churchill, and they KNEW they could start one w. Germany when Germans vowed to save Danzig, not to let it fall into hands of Poland--which threatened war w. Germany unless they were allowed to taking Danzig--the actual spark that began WWII, France and UK declaring war, etc.

Thus USSR was "template" for world-gov. dictatorship of United Nations which followed Act 2, WWII, which followed Act 1, WWI. Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE is next on the menu, and they've actually done quite a bit to kill millions w. poison drugs and poison vaccines, etc.

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# 53, annamaria says:
January 12, 2019 at 5:19 pm GMT

You forgot who financed the “Germans”

Christian soldiers must understand basic strategy for things: (a) central-bank, (b) the CYCLIC nature at basic root....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but deleted and censored by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Crux Of Problem: Central-Banking, More Fundamentally--Inherent Stupidity, Compounded By Excess Population
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 19)

Art: for goodness sakes, can't thou geteth a clue?--KEY to Jew/satanic power is that criminal enterprise known as central-bank, the US Federal Reserve Bank which is LITERALLY just legalized counterfeiting. See; use their search-engine for particular terms.

Dost thou realize they just print-up (or nowadays, digitalize) currency?--not real MONEY, which money must be commodity (gold/silver being best for practical purposes) w. "intrinsic value," hence FINITE in amount. Currency is INFINITE, but the more that's printed-up (or digitalized) the more it loses buying-power value--which is what we presently observe.

Problem is money & banking are abstract subject-matters hence beyond ken of about 90-95 % of people. So when gentiles get over-populated, they're easily inveigled into adopting INFINITE currency (and legalized counterfeiting) to exclusion of mere money which is finite--the fools imagine infinite currency serves them better than mere honest, finite, real money.

So thou see-eth the problem: the inherent and insoluble stupidity of excess population of goyim--and there is NO solution to it. Goyim will only be de-populated by some inexorable process, typically war, famine, and pestilence. Nowadays, bio-weapons are especially practical and effective, I understand, and indeed, such de-population is actually EXPLICIT plan of world dictatorship, Agendas -21 and -2030.

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# 589, Art says:
January 10, 2019 at 10:19 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Mark James

I think Sen. Rubio is convinced he must be Likud’s top –Gentile– advocate in the Senate.

Rubio is not a wealthy man – he needs financial assistance – he’s got him a Jew sugar daddy. I think he is a car dealer.

The thing that is completely disgusting is that it is so open – everyone knows, but no one will say anything.

Think about it – a Florida car dealers is dictating America’s free speech and no one will say boo!

The Jews are totally protected by their media.

Think Peace — Art — Do No Harm — Art

Jew says he's "Slav," but can't figure-out Slav religion must be Christian, ho ho ho--Jews are real "smart," aren't they?--ho hoh oho....

Below-copied by ap submitted but deleted and censored by the kike, Unz, at comments,

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Who Won WWII?--It Wasn't Gentiles, West Or Russkies
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 19)

Well "Cyrano," buddy, hoo ho ho, now that we've all had a good laugh at thou, sucker, I guess we can note verifying what "religion" thou art--as thou admits to bolshevism, eh? And we KNOW thou aren't any slav. At most or best thou could only be partly Slavic. For if thou were Slavic, then thou would unnastan' thou would have to be CHRISTIAN, sucker. Thou art anti-Christ, and that's how we KNOW thou aren't Slavic, except, at best only partially, maybe.

Thou sayeth thou and thy religion "won" WWII?--well, it wasn't gentiles or anyone of the West, was it?--and it wasn't Russkies either--they (like the Westerners) died for their masterminds and slave-keepers--who all now live or operate out of Israel, right?--THOSE are the winners, as we see--so far, at least. Toodoloo, sucker, ho ho ho

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# 193, Cyrano says:
January 12, 2019 at 12:32 am GMT • 200 Words

My religion won the WW2, whatever it may be – Bolshevism, Slavic religion (my favorite), eastern religion – whatever. If it was up to your religion – capitalism and racial supremacy (which you don’t have) you would have lost. Do you understand, you stupid degenerate?

Don’t try to play some superior intelligence with me you retarded western propaganda brainwashed idiot. That’s why you are going down you and you degenerate western civilization. Because you buy into a BS like “We are all equal” and yet you are superior to the Slavs.

Find someone else to preach that garbage to, you f**ken degenerate. You never proved that you are superior to us in anything and you never will. According to your elites – who love you very much by the way – you are not superior not even to the Sub-Saharan species of kwanzaa fame, and yet you want us to acknowledge your “superiority” over us. You know what, I worship the Russians, because they are worth it and because it allows me not to give a **** about a**holes like you. And if you really, really crave submissiveness by Slavs – remember – you’ll always have your Polaks. Now f**k off.

• LOL: apollonian

Friday, January 11, 2019

The righteousness of Confederate cause is SOOOO plain and clear, the wonder is HOW the war came about--what could possibly have been the motivation....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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HOW Did 1860s War Arise?
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)

Coag: note the 10th Amendment:

<blockquote>The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.</blockquote>

(a) Thus secession was NOT prohibited--and couldn't have been, otherwise states wouldn't have ratified in first place.

(b) Note also, only certain "POWERS"--not sovereignty--were "DELEGATED." Thus the union was subordinate to states, the union a creature made by states to serve the states.

(c) Several states noted along w. ratification that they would withdraw (practical secession) fm union if they determined it wasn't working-out--all in logical, natural accord w. Declaration of Independence.

(d) Note the states all seceded fm Great Britain (1), and (2) then the Articles Confederation--they could only have done this if they were sovereign, and NEVER gave up this sovereignty, which sovereignty is inalienable--only delegating "powers," as noted. To have given-up sovereignty, they would have had to repudiate original Declaration of Independence.

(e) There was serious talk, after the war of northern aggression, of putting Jeff Davis on trial for treason, and lawyers looked seriously into it, many lawyers, including fm northern states, volunteering to defend Davis. But the northern lawyers determined NOT to prosecute because they knew Davis would win, the states being (OBVIOUSLY) sovereign, states having MADE the union in the first place.


But the problem still remains for explaining how and why the war began, the northerners otherwise having to be accounted utterly INSANE for their murderous aggression against all logic, reason, and ltr of law. And the answer seems to be in the implications of the Dred Scott Decision in which it verily seemed people could take their slaves anywhere within the union regardless the state laws, including into the territories, the northerners wanting to preserve the rights and privileges of their free labor and not to have to competing w. slave labor.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 240, Coag says:
January 11, 2019 at 3:56 pm GMT • 100 Words

“Actually, at the time when our nation was created, the perspective was…”

Actually, by the time of Lincoln the cultural destinies of north and south were completely divergent and foreign to each other, and sectional interests (including slavery) were felt to be untenable under the federal union. Your reading of your modern concept of an American nation into past eras is wildly anachronistic, and did not apply in 1860, in 1833 (Nullification Crisis), in 1815 (Hartford Convention), or even in 1789, when it was still unclear to which extent the 13 sovereign states abdicated their sovereignty.

“Please be more specific here.”

Read the Declaration of Independence. John Locke, Jefferson, etc.

Anyways, the legal quibbles are unimportant compared to the decision on the battlefield, and that’s what we must all submit to unless there are irresistible forces in the future that dissolve the union.