Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Psycho arguing for union of 1861 insists states gave-up sovereignty, but how in a CONTRACT (equal parties)?....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Can't Argue (Successfully, Anyway) With Psycho
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

Look, sucker: thou are simply psychotic--a typical passive-aggressive, obsessed fool, attempting to justify mass-murder, as of the bloody yanks, Republicans, and "radicals." Thou do not understand "Constitutional-contract," pathetic ignorant fool--don't understand contract, the union mere agency, NOT a national gov. w. only enumerated powers which were DELEGATED by the ONLY sovereign entities, the states.

For if thou admits the Constitutional Contract or Compact, as of Calhoun, then one understands two (or more) equal parties, and that if one party is in violation, then the other is absolved of any further obligations--thou wants to pretend this is "negotiable" and this to be arbitrated by one of the parties--brainless psychotic moron.

OBVIOUSLY, the Sup. Ct. is not, could not be arbiter, as that makes the agent union (merely representing some of the interested states) the master presiding overall. Only the states can arbitrate among themselves, there being no higher authority possessing SOVEREIGNTY. States are not inferiors supplicating to some higher authority, idiot. And only the state can decide for itself whether its sovereignty is being violated or not. THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE to state deciding for itself IS SLAVERY, but pyscho like thee can't figure it out.

And thou continues to ignore Jefferson's and Madison's expo to this (above-noted) effect in the resolutions. Thou blatantly lie when thou asserts states gave up sovereignty--thou are just babbling fool--a psycho.

<blockquote>"...national authority would be overall."</blockquote>

Above is just an obvious, stupid, ignorant lie--just babbling by a psycho.

But psychotic scum rule, as after 1865--I don't deny--and doesn't mankind chafe under yoke of present-day psychopaths who rule by means of criminal enterprise like central-banking and world-gov. dictatorship, presently pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE in humanity's face? Psychopaths RULE by means of such as thou's brilliant reasoning and brilliant inferences--against the explicit ltr of the law (10th Amendment, for one).

States seceded fm KINGDOM of G. Britain in which secession wasn't allowed, but psycho like thou can't figure-out secession is right of any sovereign entity which is (still) the state(s), and that's why secession wasn't and COULDN'T have been PROHIBITED by 10th Amendment. But by all means, go ahead and keep babbling like the psycho thou really are--I'll just click "LOL" fm now on, eh?

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 249, EliteCommInc. says:
January 15, 2019 at 3:38 pm GMT

If one disagrees, they are welcome to advance the due process by means of orderly disunion made by southern states. Merely attempting justify the violent choices they made.

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