Thursday, January 24, 2019

Czar aided Lincoln in order to foil Brits (UK), etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Czar Aided Lincoln Against Britain, OBVIOUSLY
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

Franz (see below-copied): thou are obviously not very bright. At time of Lincoln and war of 1860s, it was only FIVE YRS after the Crimean War in which Russkies fought Britain (UK), France, and Ottomans. Russkies were actively involved against UK not only in Europe but also Asia, esp. near India and Afganistan, so the Russkies OBVIOUSLY aided USA against the Brits, simple and easy matter of verifiable history--why not learn some?

Thus UK built ships for the Confederacy and sent 15,000 troops to Canada to menace USA, while France sent a large army to Mexico. For a good while, UK considered recognizing the Confederate states as legitimate independent nation.

Europeans had no "great deity" as thou absurdly pretends, and readily adopted the anti-Semitic worship of TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against the Pharisaic religion of lies, lying, and liars (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), Christianity upholding the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of TRUTH against satanic lies, all ethics following therefrom, Judaism featuring subjectivism ("midrash"), the philosophic idea that reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, the subject being creator of reality, God--Satanism, by definition. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Christianity thus is actually Aristotelian-inspired philosophy at core, but made into a religion for mass consumption which brilliantly counter-acted the Satanism practiced by Jews (Jews-definied as followers of Pharisees), and was brilliant anti-Semitic success for over a THOUSAND years.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 19, Franz says:
January 24, 2019 at 10:51 pm GMT • 300 Words

…But deep down Germany did not think that was the moral, and in fact Germany would have had an excellent chance of total victory if it had attacked in the West during 1905 (when Russia was in chaos and Britain had a tiny army). And in that Germany would have won a 1905 WW1 handily and WW2 would not have happened…

The trouble there is the software. Jesus made them not do it.

Or as old Ben Hecht put it, “Germany was Christian for a thousand years”. Even a fraction of that thousand years would have made Germans hesitate as to their existential interests, because the software program of Jesus is, all mockery aside, pretty powerful. They prayed and assumed God is Just, a blunder that runs from the end of the Bonaparte Era to the fizzling days after the Armistice of the Great War.

Not at all unique. The Tsar helped Lincoln in the 1860s, asked why, the Tsar said “Lincoln was saving the West for Christianity” presumably for ending slavery, the last thing on Lincoln’s mind. That Lincoln was not really a Christian makes it far more tragic.

Europeans, to paraphrase the great Robert Graves, blew it when they dumped their own Great Deity for a Middle Eastern fairy tale, a tale that let Judea into Europa and made us second class citizens in our own lands. All men must be chosen by the Divine for the Land they call holy. The lads from the Levant made short work of that.

On the bright side, neopagans are not making a comeback, but they are making the thoughtful do some thinking. Jesus can be re-fitted and made European. Then we’re the Chosen again, our land is holy, and the Middle East can be sent back to where it belongs.

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