Sunday, January 13, 2019

CYCLIC theory of hist., etc., can be too muddled w. complexity--like Orlov's....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Orlov's Model Is Ridiculously Complex, Muddled
(Apollonian, 13 Jan 19)

I think Orlov rather "overthinks" this general CYCLIC process which was extremely well exposited by Oswald Spengler in "Decline of the West"--it's CYCLICAL--a nation begins and is amazingly successful, prosperous, victorious, but after awhile inexorably becomes corrupt.

Another way to observe this process is initial success of the culture leads to over-population of fools, scum, goons, losers, weaklings, etc.

But thematically, the opposed concepts are <b>objectivity vs. subjectivism</b> (hence also, consequently, determinism vs. perfectly "free" will) which subjectivism becomes extreme hence satanistic, subjectivism the idea that all reality is product of mentality/consciousness by which subject becomes God, the creator, Satanism by definition.

Thus, as in Roman and American instances, the FOUNDING generations were honest, hence objectivistic, but their overwhelming success led inexorably to following generations of effete, HUBRISITIC inferiors and weaklings who took-up subjectivist philosophy (as Immanuel Kant's) in which, especially, they indulged in idea they could become "good" and morally virtuous--when dear old Christianity teaches that we're all always mere sinners, and can never be "good"--which "good" doesn't even exist (there's no criterion that works).

At a certain pt. then, these utterly corrupt, hubristic generations bring in the foremost, ultimate Satanists, the Jews (just ck their Talmud and Zohar), and it's all over, for the Jews are the destroyers.

Jews then are <b>not the first cause</b> of the corruption, but they are the zenith (of corruption), the ultimate Satanists who practice most sublime Satanism in way of COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, Jews colluding in most sublime "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and organized, hence leading and dominating all the other gentile Satanists/subjectivists who are more individualist and isolated. The Satanist then, generally, dominate the rest of the society by simple means of fear.

The fatal instance (of corruption) comes when the society adopts CENTRAL-BANKING and a fiat-currency (see for expo; use site search-engine for specific terms) which Satanists control to expanding the empire which naturally works to become literal world gov.--as in League of Nations and United Nations (UN), as we see, now pushing literal GENOCIDE of Agenda-21 and -2030.

And there's no real, easy solution to this CYCLIC process; the inferiors and weaklings must simply be killed-off, as by war, famine, and pestilence, till a survivable remnant takes the opportunity to restore a semblance of civilization if it is possible--otherwise it's back to the stone-age.

But Jews aren't the first cause of the corruption--they're mere disease, like typhus, or plague, taking advantage of the weakened, corrupted host. But if there's to be any kind of turn-around for health of society, surely the Jews must be removed, they being the very "head" of proverbial "snake," the rest of the gentile Satanists/subjectivists being relatively easy to mop-up, even though they're much more numerous in quantity, they're far less well organized--they need the Jews, foremost collectivists.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 124, Jake says:Next New Comment
January 13, 2019 at 4:59 pm GMT • 100 Words

The most important part of this article is Dmitry Orlov writing about Stage 5: Cultural Collapse. One way to understand what the US Elites have been up to since at least the early 1960s is that they have been using their wealth and power to destroy all Middle American senses of community.

It is wrong to say they, intentionally or accidentally, have been destroying all American senses of community. They have not done anything to destroy Jewish or black or gay American senses of community. But they have acted to destroy white Middle American senses of community.

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