Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Don't doubt Trump works for "deep state"--as he invokes the big-lie(s) about "terrorism"....

Trump Works For "Deep State"--"Fighting Terror," U See
(Apollonian, 2 Mar 17)

How do u absolutely KNOW Trump works for Deep State (powers behind the central bank--see for expo on central bank)?--simple: he says we must "fight" terrorism--when this idiot terrorism is EXCLUSIVELY the product of Jews, esp. Israel, and then when used for world gov. ("globalists"), a product of CIA, FBI, MI6, the French, NATO, Saudis, Pakistanis, et al., all of these taking their instructions fm the satanists at head of the central bank(s).

So u got at least two main terror leaders: (a) "globalists" and (b) "Zionists"--equivalent to the "crips" and the "bloods."

For HOW could any of the victim states do any "terrorism" without knowledge of the powers behind the central bank(s)? Sure, it's possible for such as Russia, China, India, and maybe some others to do some of this "terror"-type activity against their own citizens, on small scale, but NOTHING like ZOG does, nothing near the scale of it all, like 9/11, master-minded by Israel, un-questionably, accepted as true and plausible by the stupid, over-populated morons of the dwindling middle-class suckers, addicted to the TV, their false god.

After all, WHAT is terrorism?--it's simply an instrument of compulsion and fear by which to intimidate the stupid, over-populated people, providing excuse for politicians (who work for ZOG) to impose dictatorship and spend the people's money on police-state, surveillance, etc., to be used against the people. And any resistance by the people to this dictatorship then is called criminal and "terrorism"--which is quickly wiped-out.

So here we have Trump pretending to being the "smart" "alpha male" lending credence to "terror," "Islamic terror," "ISIS," "al-Qaeda," etc. And the rest of us are thus supposed to going-along. And now u see the part played by Trump for leading the stupid morons pretending they're "Christian," but really just moronic "Judeo-Christians" (JCs) or "Christian Zionists" (see and for expo).

And Trump does all this because he works for Israel and kikes, see. Trump probably genuinely believes there are "globalists," but these are just a special faction of the same basic Jew terrorists, one faction of which works for "globalism," another more exclusively for Israel, pretending to "nationalism"--"crips and bloods" on a larger scale.

So the "globalists" took things far as they could, under Obola, the people becoming evermore resentful, the economy wrecked, currency about to collapse, so Jews at top decided it was time for the "nationalist" (including the Judeo-Christian morons, stirred by such stupid hill-billy like Ajax Jewns of faction, featuring "God" and Israel, to take-over and do some things for Israel, and surely, start a serious war--like w. Iran, it looks like. Get ready for the false-flag up-coming, suckers.

Problem w. Trump is he's willing sucker and dupe for Israel-first, pretending it's equivalent and compatible w. "America first"--which caught the fancy of the JC morons and Ajax Jewns (

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