Sunday, April 9, 2017

Muzzies will beat queers and morons of corrupt "West" now dominated by kike filth, for perfectly good reasons....

The Genius Of Muhammad, Now At Service Of Kike OverLords To Destroy "Christianity"
(Apollonian, 9 Apr 17)

Muhammad, the original muzzy, was brilliant guy, even though some say he was illiterate; he'd hrd about Judaism and Christianity, and decided Christians were morons (which is and was surely true, to great extent, as all us Christians know and can see for ourselves), Christianity being too complicated, u see--there was too much thinking involved, and he saw Christians were such idiots. So Muhammad decided he'd simplify things for humanity, and lo, he surely succeeded, didn't he? Nowadays over a billion folks say they're muzzies.

See, Muhammad was a throw-back, somewhat, to what he surely considered was the original Israelitism (not Judaism, Judaism being heresy practiced by Pharisees--see, by which u do what u're told, sucker--like when Abraham was told to go and kill his only son, Isaac, whom he'd waited most of his life to finally be born for him and Sarah. Abraham was so incredibly stupid, he went along w. the "voices he hrd in his head," right?

And truly, Islam is a very simple religion: DO WHAT U'RE TOLD, sucker, or else. And Muhammad was smart, for it was the very thing, his "religion," he needed to command the war-like Arab soldiers who were all around him, waiting to follow orders and get rich--as Muhammad led them on the raids against the caravans of the day.

For that's what Islam is, when u get down to it: a religion of COMMAND and CONQUEST, perfectly made, contrived, and suited. And u can be sure it's exactly what the kike filth (a redundancy) tell the muzzies when these scum are sent in as "refugees" to the present nominally "Christian" countries, filled w. queers, "progressives," millenials, morons, and scum, as we see, so "tolerant," "diverse," and stupid as they've been made to be by kike edjumacation, entertainment, legal decisions, and social policy, etc. Can't blame the muzzies for not having too much respect, eh?

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