Saturday, April 29, 2017

Basic "ideologic conflict": objective vs. subjective/satanism....

Below-copied by ap published at comments,

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The "Ideologic" Conflict
(Apollonian, 29 Apr 17)

"Science," according to Aristotle, as I understand, only requires assumption of an OBJECTIVE reality (existing outside the human consciousness)--the alternative being the SUBJECTIVIST reality "created" by consciousness. And that's what the war of ideology is all about: subjectivistic satanists (who thus make themselves God, creator of reality) against humanity, humans who acknowledge they're creatures of God and the God-created reality. Note, in reason, u don't have to insist it's "God"-created, but we use that phrase to emphasize the objective nature, NOT "created" by the human consciousness (subjectivism)--such subjectivism (of extremist sort) giving rise then to satanism which is presently engaged in mass-murder of the human population according to Agenda-21 and -30 by means of poison "Big Pharma" prescription drugs, poison vaccines, poison GMO food and other poison food additives, fluoride poisoning of the water supplies, glyphosate poisoning fm herbicides imposed by the corp. monopolies taking-over the world, poison "chem-trails" and toxic radiation fm electro-magnetic and nuke sources (all these preceding EASILY googled and searched for verification fm NUMEROUS sources).

Interesting about Sieyes, u say: "[h]e wanted to analyze society, and then reconstruct it as a logically consistent whole. His ideas have been modernized and put into practice; without any ideological opposition." But society can be understood in "logically consistent" manner, either by the objective (Aristotelian) method or by ur, no doubt preferred, subjectivistic, ideology, right?--which is socialist-style dictatorship over-seen by monopolistic, all-powerful corporations (fascism) which is what we see presently. U say, "[h]is [Sieyes'] ideas have been modernized and put into practice; without any ideological opposition." But don't u consider Christian (objectivistic) culture "opposition"?--isn't that why u have to destroy it, as u've effectively done by buying the establishment leadership?--but the REAL Christian "ideology" will continue to exist, won't it?--and that's why u have to exterminate humanity by means of Agenda-21, right?

Tell us: did u study Russian?--are u fm Russia?--what actually is the relevance of ur little Russian tid-bit to the rest of ur notes in ur entry, above? But thanks anyway, for all ur info.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Ron Liebermann Bonedagger • 5 hours ago

Good point. I would also like to point out that science is always a product of ideology. Either overtly, in the case of Lysenko; or covertly, as we do it in America.

As an example, consider the French writer Joseph Sieyes.

Sieyes was one of the proponents of a "Science of the Social Order." He wanted to analyze society, and then reconstruct it as a logically consistent whole. His ideas have been modernized and put into practice; without any ideological opposition. Twitter, Facebook, and Meetup are all part of this process.

Like Lysenko, Sieyes believed that individual human will is unimportant. It's only the general will that matters. Thus, individuals count for nothing, and must be kept in their place.

I'll tell you something funny: The Russian language has no word for "privacy".

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