Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Homosexuality?--mere manifestation of satanism, subjectivism, hubris--Spenglerian "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Homosexuality?--Mere Manifestation Of General satanism, Hubris, Subjectivism, Spenglerian "Decline"
(Apollonian, 20 Jun 18)

What?--the "homosexualization" of our culture?--WHAT "culture"? We're up against absolute satanification--what's "satanism," anyway?--it's making oneself God the creator. How does this satanification work?--well, it begins w. the (philosophic) idea and premise that human consciousness/mentality is what creates reality--SUBJECTIVISM.

But Christ rejected subjectivism, like he rejected the "midrash" (interpretation) of Jew Talmud--see, also Thus Christ defended Torah law of Moses against Jew interpretation by the "Oral law" and "Tradition of the Elders" (see Gosp. MARK 7:13).

For Christ upheld and posed the existence of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, ABOVE ALL--not "love" or "faith," or "peace," or non-existent "good." Christ = TRUTH. In fact Christ is truth--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6. Thus the great Biblic and Christian anti-thesis is Christian TRUTH vs. satanic lies (JOHN 8:44).

For "truth" cannot exist without first the OBJECTIVE, God-given reality serving as basis/criterion for such truth. All Christian ethics then follows fm such truth, objective reality, and human reason, the Holy Spirit.

So what now is it that promotes and encourages this horrific satanism sweeping the world? First, it's subjectivism, idea that consciousness creates reality, making oneself God the creator, which gives the basic premise to satanism. But then how does this satanic, subjectivist premise begin?--through the idea taught to so many stupid morons who imagine they're "Christians" that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" makes it all true--which is totally false and satanic.

And "faith" properly means only LOYALTY--NOT NOT NOT idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Thus the way Jews, few as they are compared to the masses of stupid Christians and gentiles, rule is their satanic subjectivism is sublimely organized and collectivized for a most profound, persuasive, and effective "group-think" sort of satanic program which now dominates the satanic and corrupt culture--even though Jews are so much out-numbered by stupid gentiles who are relatively un-organized and isolated.

And HOW does this subjectivist premise take such firm hold, aside fm idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'"? Well, the over-populated scum among gentiles and nominal "Christians" yearn to pretend like children they're "good" (Pelagian heresy), so brilliantly programmed w. inferiority-complex as they are fm the time they're small children--they never learn self-respect. For there is no "good-evil"--it doesn't exist.

Humans are sinners, true, but they're not "evil" just as they're not capable of (non-existent) "good." Far toooo many of these stupid, over-populated scum indulge in "guilt," pretending to suck-up to God, begging for forgiveness for simply being what they were created to be, self-interested as they're creatures of will, subject then to mistakes in the use of will and considering the alternative courses of action they must take.

Surburg writes, "[u]nfortunately, we live at a time when an incredible shift is taking place in our culture." But what's happening is the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. The former culture fm Greeks, Romans, and Renaissance was so productive and created so much an excess of over-population now of human filth, garbage, scum, suckers, and goons, that we see them taking on this putrid satanism and subjectivism, homosexuality being only a manifestation.

Thus the culture and society begins in a grim sort of obligatory honesty and objectivity, but soon enough peaks and then descends and degenerates to subjectivism and hubris of pretended "good" vs. "evil" as we now see in this stinking satanic and homosexual indulgence.

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