Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Moron pretends hack politician, LBJ, put "pressure" on arch-criminal, terror-state of Israel, ho ho ho oho....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Alison Needs Getting A Brain
(Apollonian, 12 Jun 18)

Alison: u're the ignorant, JEw-friendly, Jew-serving liar. Fetzer int-viewed Nelson WAYYYYY back in 2011--look it up on his site, "radioFetzer."

It's not POSSIBLE or conceivable for any non-kike American to "putting pressure" on Israeli TERROR-STATE, w. dozens and dozens of kike billionaires funding the American elections, including scummy hacks like LBJ.

Nelson is also just another Jew-serving sycophant, making excuses for kike filth. Know what Jews believe?--ck their filthy, satanic Talmud, analysis at Talmudical.blogspot.com.

What a moronic fool who pretends anyone, not kike, could intimidate the topmost psychopaths and criminals of the entire world, Jews of Israel, not to mention their in-place agents who remain in Jew S A. (for practical purposes, all Jews). And don't forget what Ariel Sharon reportedly said to Shimon Peres way back in 2001--"we Jews control America, and the Americans know it."

LBJ was just ANOTHER pawn, flunky, and henchman for Jew criminals--LBJ had Jews as grandparents--see http://www.5tjt.com/our-first-jewish...son-an-update/.

What's the master criminal instrument?--the US Federal Reserve Bank, literally legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org, use their search engine for terms.

LBJ, a criminal political hack, putting "pressure on Israel to conduct the attack"--what idiotic stupidity only kikes would try to push, and only on the most stupid, moronic gentiles who would swallow it, ho o ho ho ho. Get a few brain-cells, Alison.

---------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Alison"------------------------------

Alison June 9, 2018 at 2:47 PM

You appear unaware of the extensive investigation of the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by Phillip Nelson. He devotes 32 pages to it in "LBJ: From Mastermind to 'The Colossus.'" Nelson (relying in part on earlier work done by British journalist Peter Hounam) concluded that LBJ was behind it, and put pressure on Israel to conduct this attack--while pretending it was carried out by Egypt--so he could join Israel in its 6-day war against Egypt. LBJ caused many things to happen, such as diverting this ship 6000 miles to the location in the Eastern Mediterranean where it was attacked, and denying it an armed escort, although it had only four guns. LBJ would not let other ships go to the rescue and ordered squadrons of fighter jets which had been deployed to protect the Liberty recalled. When the Israelis did not succeed in sinking the ship LBJ wanted no one left alive to tell about what happened. The survivors were threatened with court-martial and ending their days in prison if they ever told anyone about what happened.

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