Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Military "Plan" only requires accurate analysis of hist./sociologic situation....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Humanity Vs. Satanism
(Apollonian, 6 Jun 18)

Well, do u think (see below-copied comment) we just simply have too many gentiles? So as I note, these excess have to be killed-off one way or another. Thus Jews are the God-sent, socio-biologic agents, like a disease, like typhus, plague, or leprosy, that remove such excess puke, called "people."

Who/what are the excess?--the more consciously SUBJECTIVISTS who are soooo desperate to be (thought of as) "good," who suck-along w. Jews. Thus Jews set up the war of these subjectivists against rest of humanity.

Subjectivists think Agenda-21 genocide and 2030 addendum is good thing.

So u have the subjectivists, led by Jews, vs. (real, hence anti-semitic) Christians, w. a great mass of moronic, ignorant, stupid puke in the middle--in present over-populated conditions of a "mature" culture in "Decline of the West," according to Oswald Spengler.

Such then is the great war, constantly going back-and-forth among the people, throughout history, the Jews/subjectivists (SATANISTS) vs. everyone else, (real) Christians attempting to rallying the most human of the "people."

So far, evermore people seem to be catching-on to globalist take-over and genocide of agenda-21, victimizing the European people, for example, BUT there's still big, huge problem for the satanist weapon of central-banking, legalized counterfeiting criminal enterprise continuing to dominating the culture.

Thus folks have to realize Christianity is anti-semitic, designed to be that way, championing TRUTH (= Christ) in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 14:6, hence the OBJECTIVE reality--hence determinist nature, AGAINST the idea of a perfectly "free" human will and non-existent "good-evil" which motivates satanists/subjectivists.

U ask if we'll "ever see those obvious truths?"--not under over-populated conditions, and "tower-of-Babel" mentality. It's why, eventually, there needs be overt warfare, terror, and killing-off of the inferiors who refuse to face reality. Stupid fools of excessive stupidity, foolishness, must naturally, so to speak, die-off. Life is war, according to Homer, Heraclitus, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Darwin, Spencer, Neitzsche, et al. We must be brave, w. strong stomachs, and do necessary duty to survive.

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

Anonymous June 6, 2018 at 3:01 AM

Long but repetitive, nevertheless another view of the gentile morass that is being deepened as we speak. Try talking to Christian zionists about these truths and see what you get. Imagine. People actually defending the jews based on mythologies 2000 years old. I fight these dimbulbs each day. "Oh, can't we just get along with the jews"? Since the truth is hidden in plain sight in America, people can't see the ropes that circle their pencil necks. It's galling to see people willingly participating as but mere ants in this world. Why does the gentile readily slip the noose around his neck?
It's revolt or face elimination, will we ever see those obvious truths?

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