Wednesday, January 2, 2019

We KNOW w. practically PERFECT accuracy WHO did 9/11, simply by inductive method, eh?--Jews/Israeli terror-state, seriously--who else?....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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We KNOW Who Did 9/11--They CONFIRM It All The Time
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 19)

<blockquote>It seems more likely to me that Israel wasn’t involved, but knows who did it and has been blackmailing us for 17 years to invade its neighbors.</blockquote>

Good gravy, "JLK," ho ho ho oho--w. such intensive, crass lying--how could u be anything but Jew?

Tell us, Jew: WHY does it seem "more likely" "Israel wasn't involved" (in 9/11)?--WHO ELSE could possibly have done it?--was it Eskimos?--Central African Pygmies?--ho ho ho ho ho. All inductive evidence pt.s to Jews, specifically Israel and MOSSAD, and all Jews can say is that if one thinks so, then they're "anti-Semitic," ho ho ho ho ho ho (which actually only confirms).

Of course, we, and all humanity are necessarily anti-Semitic, as Jews themselves admit, Jews being anti-human, according to their Talmud--see,, and

So despite all the Jewwy and typical lying, Jews/Israelis/MOSSAD are the NECESSARY suspects--until and unless they can dis-prove. Such is the necessary inductive logic of science and legal investigations. Chris Bollyn (see in his work, "Solving 9/11," shows how ONLY Jews could have done 9/11, Jews/zionists being at EVERY key pt. of the conspiracy, conception, operations, cover-up, both in Jews-media campaign, and in subversion of DOJ (dept. Justice) investigation, and for litigation.

Go ahead Jew, keep telling more lies, making folks hate Jews evermore for the lying murderers Jews really are--and incidentally, supplying evermore inductive evidence and confirmation.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

JLK says:Next New Comment
January 2, 2019 at 1:19 am GMT • 300 Words

Any refutations of the above information?

It seems more likely to me that Israel wasn’t involved, but knows who did it and has been blackmailing us for 17 years to invade its neighbors. Thus the moving company that was there to “document the event.” 9/11 was probably done by a defense/intelligence special operations group that we’ve never heard of, headed by some senile WASP or someone subject to Kompromat who was used to getting away with gigantic whoppers in the pre-Internet age. Perhaps pursuant to an unknown supranational arrangement with a long term confidentiality agreement. Maybe a large source of foreign capital helped us out of the NASDAQ crash and guaranteed recession immunity for several years. All speculation of course, but something like that.

The dedication of the Russian “teardrop” memorial in Bayonne was interesting, both in its design that obviously suggests a large blob of molten metal going through the center of the building and the artist’s remarks at the ceremony. He said something to the effect that the teardrop was made in a secret military aircraft city.

The international consensus seems to be fraying a bit in recent months, with apparent threats being signaled back and forth, on this and other things. It would be a lovely sight to see them all spill the beans on each other’s lies and past depredations so we can all see them as they are, but I wouldn’t count on it.

If the Zionists move to expose the plot (such as by using the recently empaneled NY grand jury or through selective leaks), portray Israel as the savior of American democracy and move to take over the agency involved, don’t forget to ask them what they’ve been doing with the information for the past two decades.

1 comment:

  1. Here, below-copied, was the response to above

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    # 247
    JLK says:
    January 2, 2019 at 3:03 am GMT

    Go ahead Jew, keep telling more lies


    By the way, I notice that you’ve adjusted your writing style since I pointed out that some of the well poisoners who post here don’t write like far right zealots.

    ------------below-copied by ap in response to above-----------

    Tell us, Jew: WHY does it seem “more likely” “Israel wasn’t involved” (in 9/11)?–WHO ELSE could possibly have done it?–was it Eskimos?–Central African Pygmies?–ho ho ho ho ho.

    Notice the Jew (typically) just ignores reality as it's inconvenient, ho ho hoho ho
