Tuesday, July 10, 2018

People of West, entire World, simply need a serious, Christian re-awakening for REAL MEANING of Christianity--it's anti-semitic, fools; get a clue....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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"Get Picture"?--Buchanan Is Gross Failure, Loser--Face Reality
(Apollonian, 10 Jul 18)

What?--question is DO U "GET THE PICTURE"? Note Trump is a liar: it's Israel-first for him, NOT USA. And Trump has done nothing to expose Sandy hoax; he went along w. the "chem-attack" false-flag supposedly by Syria in Apr 2017, and used it as pretext for his Tomahawk strikes. Trump also went along w. the "Las Vegas shootings" false flag of last Oct. Doubt there will be MORE false-flags, done by Israel, approved by Trump the Israel-serving TRAITOR?

And Israel essentially ADMITS they did 9/11, and effectively says, "sure, we did 9/11, u scummy, cowardly, abysmally stupid goyim filth, so what are u gonna do about it?" Ho ho ho ho oho

And what then and now does that weakling Buchanan do or say?--he just keeps sucking-along w. Israel and kikes, doesn't he?

"Scoring pt.s against" kike murdering monsters?--what we need is a simple awakening, or re-awakening of the REAL, hence anti-semitic Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) first and foremost.

And this Christian re-awakening to the real thing must entail the real Christian PHILOSOPHY within the literature, which is affirmation of the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary foundation for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ)--AGAINST satanic lies (JOHN 8:44) and Jew/Pharisaic/Talmudic SUBJECTIVISM, foundation of lies, and essence of Jew ideal/principle of "midrash" (interpretation) by which they lie and construe Torah (and anything else) anyway they see fit to serving their satanic, murdering purposes--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Talmud, Judaism.

As long as the West was actively, consciously anti-semitic, it thrived and prospered. But unfortunately Christianity became evermore MYSTIC and subjectivistic as time passed, and by time of French Rev., we see distinct beginning of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, this as Jews began to visibly dominating w. their putrid, criminal central-banking scams run by Rothschilds.

"Plugging away"?--ho ho ho ho, u need to face simple facts, reality that Buchanan is TOTALLY worthless, useless, and counter-productive as he EQUATES Christianity and Judaism ("Judeo-Christian"--which is contradiction in terms).

Christianity is meaningless unless it's understood as ANTI-SEMITIC--get a clue. Buchanan is gross, miserable failure and loser, and the fact ought to be faced.

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------

Anonymous July 9, 2018 at 6:38 PM

Media people too often have to make choices that determine whether or not they will retain said programs. Talk nasty to the jews and you go out the back door, good-bye. Disagree and out you go. Criticize and out you go. Get the picture?

Likewise, listen to a person who does not pass the Hitler test. It makes me sick to hear these people call ol' Adolph the worst guy who ever lived. The media person just flunked the Hitler test and to me, that's bye-bye.

Can we denigrate media people if we catch them sucking up to the jews? If it's blatantly obvious, the answer is "no". It they are trying to obscure their feelings, the answer is "yes", they flunk. Buchanan has not committed a mortal sin with his suck up routine. He's trying to survive, AND we are cognizant of that, so let's let him keep plugging away, hopeful that he can score a few points against the jews sometime in the future.

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