Sunday, July 8, 2018

What actually does D. R. Griffin seek to finding-out?....

Below essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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What Does Griffin Really Hope To Find-Out That We Don't Know?
(Apollonian, 8 Jul 18)

For goodness sakes: is Griffin a moron, or what? He (Griffin) can't figure it all out?

So what we have is an utterly corrupt, Jew-friendly, Jew-serving culture, thoroughly satanic (extreme subjectivism, mind/consciousness creating reality, etc.), degenerate and suffused in HUBRIS, filled w. over-populated scum, filth, puke, goons, fools, and suckers--who are encouraged to being that way--though of course, not all people are, though too many are.

So we just need wars, famines, plagues, etc. in order to get rid of the excess scum--face facts. Unfortunately, it's difficult to control this necessary de-population of scummy, stinking puke, called "people."

Presently, we have satanists, Jews (see,, and for expo) being most organized, most collectivist, hence most effective and successful satanists, controlling all the others, at top conducting wars for Israel and globalism, as we see, moving the mooooselmen into Europe, fomenting war w. the goons there, Christianity, the real thing, lost and waning, satanism (extreme subjectivism) ascendant, so far, though there's up-coming period of starvation and disaster imminent, so it's still not clear which way things will go, though it doesn't look good w. economic and currency collapse up-coming for the West, where I live, as luck has it.

Thus I simply continue to preaching the REAL, hence anti-semitic (anti-satanic) Christianity, Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44), all ethics following fm the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian), hence determined reality, as Christ himself never tired to pt-ing out.

And note as long as West stayed anti-semitic (in accord w. objectivity and Aristotle), it was anti-satanic and actually advanced and thrived until the "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, after Napoleonic wars, when we got rise of Jews, statist centralization (1860s war in USA, now the Jew S A), socialism, central-banking (see for expo on central-banking), and then communist world dictatorship against which we struggle presently.

So, along w. real Christianity, we need real MONEY (which is FINITE in amount), not (infinite) currency, states rights, nullification, de-centralization, etc. Still, present satanic (Jew) hegemony must be dis-credited by means of necessary disasters, plagues, famines, wars, etc., unfortunately. Life sucks.

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