Monday, July 30, 2018

What?--"Russkie hysteria"?--gee whiz, but who/what could possibly be behind it all?--ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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What?--"Russkie Hysteria"?--Golly, But Who/What Could Be Behind It?
(Apollonian, 30 Jul 18)

Wtf?--so Alan Macleod here says Jews-media concocted Russkie hysteria?--tell us something we don't know.

For isn't Jews-media wholly owned subsidiary of "deep-state" powers behind the central-bank which issues nearly INFINITE CURRENCY?--see for expo on central bank.

Meantime hitlery Clinton, the obvious criminal, continues to flit about running her idiot mouth, the Jew masterminds at top of things continuing to play "good Jew vs. bad Jew," fakey "left vs. right" charade--as they've been doing for at least about 100 yrs now.

So over-populated goons, scum, and puke ("the people") of Jew S A have such a lovely satanic empire on their hands, this empire run, guided, and directed by top satanists, Jews, naturally. And notice few people are really taken-in by the Russia hoax, just another Jewwy, Jews-media psy-ops.

Doubt Judaism is satanism (extreme subjectivism)?--just ck,, and also has lots of good material.

Meantime we sit now waiting for the next false-flag as Trump and Israel-first neo-cons ready a big hit on Iran, evidently--everyone KNOWS it will serve Israel, as always.

After all, if it ever was true about Russkies taking-over, it would have had to have Jew-Israeli complicity, along w. Jews-media, etc. Who's kidding who?

Probably the biggest Jewwy and Jews-media scams induced upon the over-populated, TV-addicted morons, scum, filth, puke, goons, and suckers, who make up so much the bulk of "the people" of Jew S A is COGNITIVE DISSONANCE and Learned-Helplessness, all this aside fm the usual "bread and circuses."

Such then is perfectly logical course of CYCLIC hist. of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, USA, now Jew S A, collapsing in HUBRIS, corruption, and satanism.

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