Monday, July 30, 2018

Snot-head punk can't make an argument, but is still quick enough w. smart remarks, hoh o ho ho....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Why Not Make An Argument, Then Make W. Smart Remarks?
(Apollonian, 30 Jul 18)

What "omniscience," are u talking about, buddy?--why is it "omniscience"?--why not address the specific argument and pt.s made? Which comes first in importance, and what is it that makes way for the other?--the central bank, or the "military/security"?

If u got rid of "military/security," there'd still be the central-bank, right? But if u got rid of the central bank criminal enterprise, legalized counterfeiting, that would be cutting the head off the snake entirely, and then EVERYTHING else would fall of its own weight, no?

Ultimately, it's the satanic culture (extreme subjectivism) vs. the Christian society founded upon objective reality, Aristotle, and TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) ideal, principle--the original basis of USA.

U're one who's easily "overwhelmed," we can tell, hoho ho hoho--a little too clever by half, eh? Ho ho ho

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous July 29, 2018 at 5:15 PM

Roberts is a mere stripling compared to you. I feel so overwhelmed by your omniscience


  1. The debate continues: the "anon" commenter added a note which has just now appeared.

    Anonymous July 30, 2018 at 2:00 PM

    Dr Roberts has written numerous articles on the Fed and its entanglements. To say one of the world's fine economists "just doesn't get it" is preposterous, kindly quote your curriculum vitae as comparison to Dr Roberts'.

    -----------But before I saw above, I had already added below-copied------------

    apsterian July 31, 2018 at 7:21 AM

    Central-Banking, Hubris And satanism, War And Mass-Murder: We See Here The Real Source

    Thinking yet further about "anon's" Jul 29 5:15 pm remarks, above, one might well wonder about Roberts' knowing about central-banking, which he surely does. But he probably considers it (central-banking) to be inevitable, the people hopeless (as "anon" herself, un-questionably).

    Anyway, when one realizes the effete hubris involved w. "anon's" sort of remark, it does indeed pt.-up the underlying hopelessness for humanity--it's the very thing hubris and satanism are founded upon--and why and how war is inevitable, humanity's survival so questionable. Imagine how many there have to be who are like "anon"--countless, no doubt. Life is truly a CYCLIC struggle.

    -----------------Below by ap in response to above, by "anon," July 30, 2 pm--------------

    This Mini-Debate Actually Brilliant Reflection Upon Times And Topic (Apollonian, 31 Jul 18)

    And now we have "anon" (Jul 30, 2pm) wants to make it matter of "curriculum vitae," ho hoh o ho, further emphasizing her horrendous hopelessness, ho ho ho ho. One sees evermore and -better how we find ourselves in this satanic, hubris-dominated age.

    NEWSFLASH: "curriculum vitae" is typical of mediocrities and time-servers, and in this sad era and phase of Spenglerian "Decline of the West," depends upon Jew-friendliness and -sympathy--which I have too little of, hoh o ho ho ho ho.

    Further, truth doesn't depend upon such irrelevant features--get a clue. Rather, the conclusion rests upon truth/validity of premises--didn't u ever learn that?--ho ho ho oho ho.

    But again, this exchange btwn us here is absolutely PRECIOUS for the light it shines upon the real problems of this satanic age and era, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho

  2. This, above-noted, exchange continues: here's the latest.

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    "Anon" Continues To Fail For An Argument
    (Apollonian, 1 Aug 18)

    What?--ho ho ho--what "pegging" are u talking about?--where, what? U alleged I was "preposterous," but u don't substantiate--I DO substantiate. "Fixated and fascinated"?--on what?--hoh o ho ho.

    I not only know "words," but also how to putting them together to making sense, unlike u. Do u need a "leg" to standing upon? And u seem to be "bereft of solid thought," for sure, but who's fault is that?

    U never came up w. an argument fm ur first comment, above; my arguments are clear, regardless what u say. I pt'd out and demonstrated that central-bank is logically prior to "security/complex"--u never addressed this.

    And I say ur sort of balderdash and lies is good picture for satanic problems of hubris and "Decline of the West"--u don't do much for rebuttal, do u? But keep talking to us, buddy.

    --------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------

    Anonymous July 31, 2018 at 5:15 PM

    Stop being fixated and fascinated because you know a few 3-4 letter words. Your putrid verbosity leaves us bereft of solid thought, especially when you take umbrage at our pegging you exactly.
