Sunday, May 7, 2017

Gosh, but have u noticed?--the cry fm "antifas" is about anti-racism--they're against racism, hence "moral," eh?....

Moralism On The Cheap: Just Denounce "Racism," Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 7 May 17)

Note a degenerate culture, "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, features above all moralism, morality--HUBRIS--that's the essence, the core of the degeneracy, pretending to Godliness, pretending to creating reality, thus becoming and being "good"--as opposed to being "evil." So HOW does one express such "good" and "morality"?--u just denounce "racism," right?--isn't it obvious?

And of course, white folk are racist; after all, HOW did they become white in the first place?--by being racist and loyal to their people, ancestors, and culture (hence loyalty--ck a dictionary).

It's the EASY WAY to being "good" and "moral"--just denounce "racism," hey, hoh o ho hoh ho. Naturally, all the weaklings go along, denouncing this racism; it's "hip" thing to do among the trendies. All the "cool" people are against "racism," don't u notice?

So now as the anti-fascists ("antifas") battle, exhort, and intimidate everyone else, esp. Christians, the philosophic problem is lost for definition of "racism" and the predicates, meaning the more basic issue of determinism vs. (perfectly) "free" will. For note racism follows fm determinism (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will). So racial characteristics have distinct implications and consequences, following fm the determinist principle.

Naturally, the "antifas" are HEAVILY Jew-infested, -led, -supported (like w. legal protection), and -funded, as by George Soros, famous kike, super rich, quite "connected" w. other kikes--like w. Donald Trump, and as we learn, w. Trump's son-in-law, Kushner, another criminal.

And observe how much mileage the antifas, leftists, Jews, liberals, et al., have gotten fm this "racism" nonsense. Surely more than just a few have noticed these things?--about racism and the implications, predicates, etc.

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