Friday, May 26, 2017

satanic sociology: works by means of over-population of goons, suckers, fools, and scum, descended fm formerly great original ancestors, but now the society overcome by HUBRIS, esp. "good-evil" fallacy/delusion....

satanic Sociology: Thrives On Over-Population Of Goons, Fools, Suckers--And The Central Bank
(Apollonian, 26, May 17)

How does satanic sociology, so Jew-friendly, as we see presently, actually work? Well, note in order to dominate a culture, it doesn't require a majority of the people; it only requires a strong and effective minority and the rest to being manipulated.

Thus there will always be an opposition party, but these are kept as impotent as possible--which can be done in a society, like presently, dominated by a central bank which issues "currency," not real real, commodity-based, money. See for expo on central banking. The opposition then just doesn't get any of that currency.

So anyway, note the satanic society is founded upon a society and population, now over-populated, formerly strong and robust, but now corrupt, in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Thus the formerly strong, productive, victorious society has now bred-up a generation of inferiors and weaklings who never had to fight, as their forbears did, and have become HUBRISTIC for their smug presumption to the greatness of ancestors who were honest, productive, and even victorious, like the Roman and American examples.

Thus we see the present generations of over-populated parasites living off of fruits of past conquests and productivity, most of all, pretending to "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy (Pelagianism), hence subjectivistic culture, mentality, psychology--so corrupt now, at this critical pt. and juncture, it's outrightly satanic, dominated by Satanists, esp. Jews, Judiasm actually just a form of satanism, highly organized. See and for expo on Judaism.

And the original Christianity which was anti-satanist, hence anti-semitic, is now perverted in the minds of the over-populated masses of goons, fools, suckers, and scum who make up the population, to being mere version/variation of satanism, hence Judaism. All the while, constantly, the population is exhorted to being "good" and against "evil," these being un-defined, except in general terms as consistent (or not) w. the prevailing satanic culture and politics.

And so we see this is the present state of things in which the corrupt satanistic society continues to prevail--by means of the rule and dominance of the top satanist cadre ruling fm the top, but also the continuing, surviving mass of fools, goons, suckers, and scum who willingly go along, ushered and guided by the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo on JCs) allies and suck-alongs of the top satanists.

And nothing will change long as that central-bank continues to function, churning-out the masses of currency which is still accepted by the fools, suckers, scum and goons of the population, who are not necessarily a majority, just big enough, the rest of the population fooled, distracted, divided, and diverted. Observe how the top satanic cadres continue to inject the population w. evermore hordes of enemy invaders and intruders, the moralistic propaganda keeping the people confused and divided.

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